Alexander Velgan是一位来自乌克兰北部哈尔科夫的室内设计师。这位低调的自由设计师,在设计领域拥有丰富的设计经验,他打造了自成一派的设计风格。Alexander Velgan创造的室内给人带来一种意想不到的惊艳,格调简洁、大气而不乏时尚气息,让整个空间如同自然般纯粹,不张扬不做作。他能把清冷刚硬和温润质朴两种全然不同的材质的空间,结合碰撞出别样的和谐美感。
Alexander Velgan is an interior designer from the northernUkrainian city of Kharkiv. The low-key freelance designer, with a wealth ofdesign experience in the field, has forged his own style. The interior createdby Alexander Velgan brings an unexpected surprise. The style is simple, atmosphericand stylish, making the whole space as pure as nature without pretenses. He cancombine the space of cold and hard and gentle and plain two completelydifferent materials to give a different harmonious aesthetic feeling.
Villa SOL
Alexander Velgan has completed a unique villa project in Greececovering an area of 228 square metres. The landscape design takes advantage ofsite specific features such as microclimatic and topographical conditions aswell as the existing vegetation. Protection from the strong summer winds andthe harmonious combination of the exterior of the villa with the surroundingnature, were principle design factors.
Entrance of the house are cleanly divides social and private space.Key to the character of the villa is the palette of traditional simplematerials and raw surfaces such as lime-wash, stone tiles, and wood thatbridges heritage and locality with contemporary life. Systems of slidingpartitions transform the object forming individual spaces and variousperspective points.
DAO House
AlexanderVelgan在空闲时间做了DAO House这个项目几个月。该项目的目的是教他的学生设计和建筑,以及颜色和纹理组合的感知,这个项目由Nelli Khomenko一起完成。
Alexander Velgan did DAO House for several months in our free time.The aim of the project was to teach his student design and architecture, theperception of color and texture combinations, This project was completed byNelli Khomenko.