
Photonic Studio--探索空间的意义和美感
禾木木  / 发表于 2020-6-2 18:48:58 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Photonic Studio是一家位于澳大利亚专注于建筑概念和室内设计的创意工作室。工作室强调建筑是人类精心设计的人工环境,在信息和思想的全球流动中不断演变。他们遵循有纪律过程,选择在城市环境或自然环境中探索设计。
Photonic Studio is acreative Studio based in Australia specializing in architectural concepts andinterior design. The studio emphasizes that the building is a carefullydesigned artificial environment, evolving in the global flow of information andideas. They follow a disciplined process, choosing to explore design in anurban or natural environment.

源于极简主义和当代建筑的原则,Photonic Studio的设计方法结合了建筑的目的、场地位置和客户偏好的仔细考虑。他们从更广阔的视角来看待每一座建筑,这不仅有利于居住者的舒适,也有助于实现可持续的设计方案。其结果是一个独特的空间,反映了时间、文化和个性之间的体验。

Derived from theprinciples of minimalism and contemporary architecture, the design approach ofPhotonic Studio combines careful consideration of the purpose of the building,site location, and client preferences. They look at each building from abroader perspective, which is not only conducive to the comfort of theoccupants, but also helps to achieve sustainable design solutions. The resultis a unique space that reflects the experience between time, culture andpersonality.

室内设计旨在揭示其拥有者的本质,使空间充满意义和美感。Photonic Studio的创意涉及了住宅和商业室内设计,产品设计和造型。他们的设计目标是创造一个拥有完美感官体验的便捷空间。使用简单的元素和自然材料,实现舒适生活和工作的平衡环境。受极简主义和纯粹空间的影响,Photonic Studio关注功能和简单性。

The interior designaims to reveal the nature of its owner and fill the space with meaning andbeauty. Photonic Studio's ideas involve residential and commercial interiordesign, product design and styling. Their goal was to create a convenient spacewith a perfect sensory experience. Use simple shapes and natural materials toachieve a comfortable and balanced living and working environment. Influencedby minimalism and pure space, Photonic Studio focuses on function andsimplicity.

Photonic Studio用艺术表达了他们对世界的审美眼光。如今,随着最大的技术进步,人们消除了旧的界限和差异。他们利用3D Visualization将现实主义和技术结合起来,在现代和传统艺术的边缘占据一席之地。设计团队注重艺术的传统,让每一幅画面都能在情感上得到表达,并吸引人们的目光。

Photonic Studio usedart to express their aesthetic vision of the world. Today, with the greatesttechnological advances, people are erasing old boundaries and differences. Theyuse 3D Visualization to bring realism and technology together at the edge ofmodern and traditional art. The design team pays attention to the artistictradition, so that each picture can be expressed emotionally and attractpeople's attention.


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