
Ashiesh Shah--印度设计的高度
禾木木  / 发表于 2020-5-31 22:08:16 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Ashiesh Shah Architecture是一家总部位于印度孟买的室内设计工作室,由创始人Ashiesh Shah成立。工作室专注于从办公空间和顶层公寓到概念商店和餐馆的设计。作为设计实践的延伸,工作室将实验、工艺和技术融合到一个创造性的协作和开发生态系统中。对他们来说,从室内设计到产品设计的转变是一个自然的过程,多年来也一直在为他们尊敬的客户设计定制家具。
Ashiesh Shah Architecture is aninterior design studio based in mumbai, India, founded by founder Ashiesh Shah.An extension to Ashiesh Shah Architecture's design practice, they opened hisvery own atelier earlier this year which amalgamates experimentation,craftsmanship and technique into a creative ecosystem for collaboration anddevelopment. For them, transitioning from interior to product design was anatural progression, propelled by years of designing custom furniture piecesfor his esteemed clientele.

Ashiesh Shah是印度最著名的建筑师和设计师,以其在建筑与室内设计领域的精湛技艺而闻名。他在2000年中期从帕森斯设计学院毕业,获得室内设计和建筑学位,开始了他在纽约的职业生涯。Ashiesh Shah的实践根植于日本的侘寂哲学,这影响了他对空间的看法和对材料的选择,与他作为建筑世界的鉴赏家的特点产生了共鸣。美学被描述为不完美、无常和不完整的美。

Ashiesh Shah is one of India'smost famous architects and designers, known for his expertise in architectureand interior design. He began his career in New York City in the mid 2000’safter graduating from Parsons School of Design with a degree in Interiors and Architecture. His practice is rooted in the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi,which has influenced his vision of space and his choice of materials, resonateswith his characteristic of being a taste maker in the architectural world. Theaesthetic is described as beauty that is imperfect, impermanent, andincomplete.

Ashiesh Shah也经常受邀在不同的论坛上谈论设计、他的旅程和建筑,并在众多平台上进行交流。他是一位艺术和设计收藏家,2014年,他被《福布斯》印度版提名为印度次大陆最有影响力的年轻艺术收藏家。Ashiesh认为自己是一个兼收并蓄的收藏家,他的品味跨越了几个世纪和整个大陆。他对艺术的强烈兴趣经常启发、激励和滋养他的实践和观点。同时Ashiesh Shah是一位著名的策展人,他的作品集艺术、工艺和设计于一身,将印度最优秀的人才聚集在一起。

Ashiesh Shah is also ofteninvited to speak about design, his journey and architecture in different forumsof discussion and communication on a multitude of platforms. A collector of artand design, in 2014, Shah was nominated under the category of the mostinfluential young art collector in the subcontinent by Forbes India. Ashieshconsiders himself an eclectic collector, whose taste spans centuries andcontinent. His keen interest in art often informs, inspires and nourishes hispractice and perspective. Meanwhile, Shah is a renowned curator for designexhibits of art, crafts and design that bring together the best of Indiantalent under one roof.


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