Roman Protopopov是一位来自俄罗斯南部城市克拉斯诺达尔的室内设计师,他的作品有着亦静亦动的特点,旨在创造自然和谐的室内意识形态。他擅长用巧妙的软装搭配,强调天然材料和色调的和谐性,营造了宁静自然的侘寂美学氛围。
Roman Protopopov is an interior designer from the southern Russian city of krasnodar. His works are both static and dynamic, aiming to create a natural and harmonious interior ideology. He is good at using clever soft outfit collocation, emphasizing the harmony of natural materials and colors, creating a quiet and natural wabi-sabi aesthetic atmosphere.
东方 优雅 宁静
自由 深沉 想象
Roman Protopopov完成了位于德国慕尼黑的一处独特的极简住宅。这个项目是工作室的想象和实验的结合。设计师想创造自己的家具,自己的灯。因此,他限制自己在工厂和成品室内寻找灵感的能力。Roman Protopopov完全相信自己的内心世界和想象力。这个项目的基础是简单的形式与自然材料相结合。
Roman Protopopov has completed a unique minimalist home in Munich, Germany. The project is a combination of the studio's imagination and experimentation. Designers want to create their own furniture, their own lamps. As a result, he limited his ability to find inspiration in factories and finished goods rooms. Roman Protopopov believes in his inner world and his imagination. The foundation of this project is the combination of simple forms and natural materials.
Cherry Pudding
高级 极简 经典