
Autori 新作--塞尔维亚当代设计
禾木木  / 发表于 2020-4-21 18:48:27 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Autori is an interior design studio based in Belgrade, Serbia. Autori's design is full of surprises, with interesting features and a sense ofmystery. The spirit of the building is transformed into elements to beexpressed in the space.

Apartment O

住宅 贝尔格莱德 极简主义

Apartment O坐落在贝尔格莱德的街上一栋20世纪20年代的住宅楼内,它唤醒了人们对贝尔格莱德旧住宅风格的回忆。传统建筑内部的修复既费时间又充满挑战。Studio Autori的设计任务就是在这创建一个小城市的绿洲。

Apartment O sits ina 1920s residential building on a Belgrade street, evoking memories of oldBelgrade residential styles. Restoring the interior of a traditional buildingis both time-consuming and challenging. Studio Autori's design mission is tocreate a small city oasis here.

该公寓的原始特色很早就已被拆除或处于如此残旧的状态,因此不再可行才华横溢的设计团队仔细组织了围绕中央服务和存储核心的平面图,并在白天活动和晚上活动之间进行了明确区分。项目空间划分为Daytime Zone(白天)和Night-Time Zone(夜晚)两个区域。

The originalfeatures of the apartment had long since been demolished or were in such adilapidated state, they were no longer viable. Studio Autori carefullyorganised the floor plan around the central services and storage core with aclear separation between daytime activities and evening ones. The project spaceis divided into Daytime Zone and Night-Tine Zone.

Daytime Zone俯瞰步行街,它由一个大而单一的空间,一个带用餐区的起居室以及一个位于微妙但图形化的玻璃和钢制隔板后面的厨房组成,该隔板在需要时将空间与公寓的其余部分物理上分开。

The Daytime Zone overlooksthe pedestrian street. It consists of a large, singular volume of space, aliving room with a dining area and a kitchen behind a subtle yet graphic glassand steel partition which separates the space physically from the rest of theapartment when needed.   Related: PrivateApartment in Belgrade, Serbia by Studio Autori.   

Night-Time Zone有两间带独立浴室的卧室,一个步入式衣橱,可直接进入露台,俯瞰着迷人的建筑内部庭院。公寓的关键是中央核心和储物核心,覆盖着手工制作的实心橡木垂直鳍。核心在入口处设有客用浴室,杂物间和大型斗篷储藏室。这种设计具有强烈而简单的装饰艺术语言,包裹着轻松的奢华和温暖。虽然从建筑时期开始就采用了传统元素,但这座建筑完全是当代的发现。

The Night-Time Zone has two bedrooms with itsown bathroom, a walk-in wardrobe and direct access to the terrace overlooking acharming inner courtyard of the building block. The pivotal point of theapartment is the central services and storage core clad in handcrafted solidoak, vertical fins. The core houses a guest bathroom, utility room and largecloak storage adjacent to the entry. There is a strong and simple art decolanguage to this design, wrapped in an effortless luxury and warmth. Whiletraditional elements have been employed from the building period, this build isevery inch the contemporary find.

Roche Offfice

办公 贝尔格莱德 木质细节

Leticia Gin Bar

餐饮 贝尔格莱德 高级格调


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