
Arthur Casas--巴西设计的新声音
禾木木  / 发表于 2020-4-18 18:23:49 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




建筑师通常比其他人更好地掌握一种表达形式。即使是伟大的建筑师也主要在他们的祖国留下自己的印记,有时甚至不敢出国。Arthur Casas则是这两条规则的例外。他在住宅建筑、商业空间、房地产开发和设计领域同样游刃有余。正如他所说,“我对我的职业有一个整体的看法,所以我喜欢探索所有的领域和规模;从城市主义到产品设计。”
Architects often master one form of expression better than others. Even great architects leave their mark mainly in their country of origin, sometimes never daring to go abroad. Arthur Casas is an exception to both of these rules. He is equally at ease in the areas of residential architecture, commercial spaces, real estate development and design. As he states, “I have a holistic view of my profession, so I like to explore all areas and scales; from urbanism to the minor object design.”

Arthur Casas出生于1961年,和巴西首都巴西利亚的诞生处于同一时期。经历了巴西建筑最好的时期,对一个建筑师来说,任何事情都是可能的,包括设计整个城市——重新组织城市地区的生活方式。Arthur Casas的童年和巴西利亚之行给了他这种自由,让他在职业生涯中恪守现代主义原则。

Arthur Casas was born in 1961, around the same time as the capital of Brazil, Brasilia. He experienced the best period of Brazilian architecture, when anything was possible for an architect, including designing a whole city – reorganizing the way of life in urban areas. He brought from his childhood and his visits to Brasilia this freedom, and a commitment to modernist principles in his professional life.

Arthur Casas于1983年毕业于圣保罗的麦肯齐大学建筑与城市规划专业,他的职业生涯始于室内设计和产品设计,最大的特点之一是不断地通过与他的团队进行激烈的对话来重新定义他的工作,这种对话的指导原则是使他的项目得到广泛认可的品质。

Arthur Casas graduated from Mackenzie University of Sao Paulo in architecture and urbanism in 1983, who built his career starting with interior and product design, One of his strongest characteristics is to constantly reinvent his work through an intense dialogue with his team, guided by the qualities that have given his projects broad recognition.

长期以来,住宅工作一直是Arthur Casas的主要内容。正如Arthur Casas所解释的那样,“我的姓是Casas,在葡萄牙语中是‘房子’的意思。我想我从来没有认真考虑过其他职业。我从8岁开始画房子,从未停止过,也许这就是我们所说的职业。”

Residential work has long been a staple of the office. As Arthur Casas explains, “My family name is Casas, which in Portuguese means ‘houses’. I guess I never thought seriously about another profession. I started drawing houses when I was 8 years old and never stopped, maybe it’s what we call vocation.”

Arthur Casas对自然环境和材料的选择给予了相当大的关注,特别是从2003年开始,Arthur Casas的工作重点是减少建筑对环境的影响。他的设计的这方面在最近的作品中特别强调,如2015年米兰世博会巴西馆(与Atelier Marko Brajovic)。3672平方米的展馆基于“灵活、流畅、分散的网络理念,体现在建筑的各个方面,代表着国家的多元化。”

The considerable attention given by Arthur Casas to the natural environment and to the choice of materials. Especially beginning in 2003, Casas placed an emphasis in his work on reducing the environmental impact of architecture. This aspect of his designs is particularly emphasized in such recent work as the Brazil Pavilion for Expo 2015 Milan (with Atelier Marko Brajovic). The 3,672m2 pavilion is based on the “idea of a flexible, smooth and decentralized network, present in every aspect of the building and representing the country’s pluralism.”

Arthur Casas的现代风格的确在一定程度上得益于他的祖国巴西的精妙和多样性,但他早就展示了自己在设计中创造多样性和惊喜的能力。在米兰的巴西馆,他证实了自己作为拉丁美洲最重要的在世建筑师之一的地位。从内到外,从对象到景观,Arthur Casas的创作在水平尺度上有着内在的联系。对话是构思项目的关键,从椅子到城市规划,都受到现代和当代、巴西和世界主义精神的影响。

The modern approach of Arthur Casas does owe some of its subtlety and variety to his native Brazil, but he has long since shown his capacity to create variety and surprise in his designs. With the Brazilian Pavilion in Milan, he confirms his status as one of the most significant living Latin American architects. From inside to outside, from object to landscape, Studio Arthur Casas’ creations are intrinsically connected in a horizontal scale. Dialogue is the key for conceiving projects that range from a chair to an urban plan, influenced by a spirit both modern and contemporary, Brazilian and cosmopolitan.

尽管受到了现代巴西建筑的影响,但最让他感动的建筑师,尤其是在本土尺度上,是弗兰克·赖特。赖特是一个知道如何处理所有规模的项目,同时具有同样的重量和重要性的人。Arthur Casas的工作在巴西获得了20多年的好评。他用随意而优雅的词汇拯救了巴西现代主义的创新传统。

Despite having had much influence from modern Brazilian architecture, the architect who touched me most, especially in the domestic-scale, was Frank Lloyd Wright. He was the one who knew how to work with all scales of projects concomitantly with the same weight and importance. Arthur Casas‘s work has been praised in Brazil for over two decades. With a casual, yet elegant vocabulary he rescues the innovative tradition of Brazilian Modernism.


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