
Studio DB新作--当代艺术与旧世界魅力
禾木木  / 发表于 2020-3-19 18:20:36 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Kips Bay Show House 2019
艺术 奢华 细节

这座艺术公寓由Studio DB设计,是现代连接需求的解毒剂,并拥抱孤独的奢侈。该空间提供了一个平台,它让主人公可以沉浸地享受自我。入口大厅的软拱与深绿色的墙壁和丰富的石头细节创造了一种戏剧性的到达感。

Designed by Studio DB, this arthouse is an antidote to the needs of modern connectivity and embraces the luxury of solitude. The space provides a platform for the protagonist to immerse himself. The soft arches of the entrance hall with dark green walls and rich stone details create a dramatic sense of arrival.

一幅由De Gournay创作的引人注目的手绘壁画,其灵感来自标志性的Elsie de Wolfe。当代艺术与旧世界的魅力并置在一起。Alison Rose为艺术瓷砖设计的彩色大理石瓷砖,在独立的浴室空间里为传统的材料调色板添加了现代元素。深思熟虑的细节和奢华的层次创造了最终的逃避。

A striking hand-painted mural by De Gournay inspired by the iconic Elsie De Wolfe. Contemporary art is juxtaposed with the charms of the old world. Alison Rose's colorful marble tiles for art tiles add modern elements to a traditional palette of materials in a separate bathroom space. Thoughtful details and layers of luxury create the ultimate escape.

Hudson Yards

简约 朴素 低调

Franklin Street Loft

明亮 大胆 精致

位于纽约一幢旧工业建筑内的公寓,由当地的室内设计工作室Studio DB设计。该公寓看起来绝对不像那种典型的工业住宅,室内光线暗淡,粗糙不堪。

An apartment in an old industrial building in New York City designed by local interior design Studio Studio DB. The apartment certainly does not look like a typical industrial house, with its dark, rough interior.

Studio DB的设计师们创造性地设计了公寓的每个空间,用明亮、大胆而精致的家具和装饰填满了房间,因此每间房间都有自己迷人的故事,有趣的解决方案和时尚的细节。在儿童房内,有砖拱和彩色墙纸,还有客厅里华丽的天花板。

Studio DB's designers creatively designed every space in the apartment, filling the rooms with bright, bold and sophisticated furniture and decor, so each room has its own fascinating story, interesting solutions and stylish details. In the children's room, there are brick arches and colorful wallpaper, as well as an ornate ceiling in the living room.

Upper East Side Residence

现代 优雅 舒适

Studio DB是一家总部位于曼哈顿建筑和室内设计公司,由一对室内设计师夫妇Damian和Britt Zunino创立,他们将各自的设计技能融合在一起,提供不同的设计视角和设计方法。
Studio DB is a Manhattan-based architecture and interior design firm founded by a couple of interior designers, Damian and Britt Zunino, who combine their design skills to provide different perspectives and approaches to design.


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