
Notoo Studio--在设计和视觉之间穿梭
禾木木  / 发表于 2020-3-7 18:37:31 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Notoo Studio是意大利一个富有创造力的设计实验室,致力于3D和摄影图像的制作,场景和装置。工作室由Fabia Picchioni、Riccardo Arletti和Chiara Luzzatto共同经营。
Notoo Studio is a creative laboratory that deals with the production of 3d and photographic images, set up and sets. The studio is co-managed by Fabia Picchioni, Riccardo Arletti and Chiara Luzzatto.

Fabia Picchioni是工作室的艺术总监兼室内设计师,1985年出生于意大利博洛尼亚,大学土木工程专业毕业后,选择将注意力转移到室内设计领域,,并在米兰理工大学攻读室内设计中级硕士学位。她曾在米兰多家平面和室内设计工作室工作,之后在Modena担任造型师和艺术总监,充分发挥了自己的创造力。

Fabia Picchioni, art director and interior designer, born in Bologna in 1985, after graduating in Civil Engineering, chose to shift her attention to the world of Interior Design and specialized in Interior Design at the Politecnico di Milano at the MID Master. She worked in various Milanese graphic and interior design studios, then specialized as a Stylist and Art Director in the province of Modena, giving full rein to her creativity.

Riccardo Arletti是工作室的3D艺术家,负责后期制作。他出生于1985年,毕业于Modena艺术学院,并在那里他开始了他的图形和创作生涯。在摄影和照片编辑一些专业化课程后,包括在威尼斯艺术学院的一门课程,他被带入了3D建模和逼真的渲染领域,

Riccardo Arletti, 3D artist and post producer, an authentic Emilia DOP vintage 1985, he graduated from the Art Institute of Modena, where he began his graphic and creative career. After several specialization courses in photography and photo editing, including one at the State of Art Academy in Venice, he is catapulted into the world of 3D modeling and photorealistic rendering.

Chiara Luzzatto是工作室的艺术总监兼建筑师,1988年出生于罗马,在获得项目建筑师资格后,进入室内设计领域,这要感谢威尼斯IUAV的IMID大师。在米兰的Elisa Ossino工作室工作了时间后,他决定搬到Modena从事艺术总监和布景设计师的工作,从而将对室内设计的热情与计算机图形学的热情结合起来。

Chiara Luzzatto, art director and architect, born in Rome in 1988, after being qualified as a Project Architect, enters the world of Interior Design thanks to the IMID master at IUAV in Venice. After an intense work experience at the Milanese studio of Elisa Ossino, she decided to move to the province of Modena to undertake the work of Art Director and Set Designer, thus managing to combine the passion for the Interior with that of computer graphics.

Notoo Studio基于技术和艺术的持续研究出发,在室内设计和视觉传达之间穿梭,伴随着客户整个项目的开发,从产品研究到投放市场。

Starting from a constant research, based on technical and artistic skills, Notoo Studio travel between the world of interior design and visual communication accompanying their customers along the development of their project, from the study of the product to its placement on the market.


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