
House Of Grey--植根于简单的自然美学
禾木木  / 发表于 2020-3-6 11:21:20 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




House Of Grey是一家位于伦敦北部城市的室内设计工作室,专注于舒适住宅和商业项目的室内设计,由创始人Louisa Grey成立于2013年。工作室旨在增进幸福感和美感,尽可能纳入当地来源的高质量,自然和可持续材料,并设计出可以补充人们直观工作和生活方式的空间,并随着人们需求的变化而不断发展。
House Of Grey is an interior design studio based in north London, focusing on interior design for comfortable residential and commercial projects. It was founded in 2013 by founder Louisa Grey. The studio aims to promote happiness and beauty, incorporate as much quality, natural and sustainable materials as possible from local sources, and design Spaces that complement the intuitive way people work and live, and evolve as their needs change.

Louisa Grey毕业于伦敦切尔西艺术与设计学院并获得学位,至今拥有超过20年的室内设计经验,这些经验造就了她沉着冷静的个人审美。Louisa Grey以其强烈的室内空间布局感而闻名,她开发了一种独特的风格,使她走在人群的前面。
Louisa Grey graduated with a degree from the school of art and design in Chelsea, London, and has over 20 years of interior design experience that has given her a calm personal aesthetic. Louisa Grey is known for her strong sense of interior space layout and has developed a unique style that keeps her ahead of the crowd.

Louisa Grey倾向于材料的实践,例如材料的粗糙和破旧,这来自她的纺织设计背景的原因。为了找到正确的灵感,她从地球的一个角落旅行到另一个角落,让她在创作过程中形成了一种个人哲学。
Louisa Grey's experimental tendency towards materials, such as rough and shabby materials, may come from her textile design background. To find the right inspiration, she traveled from one corner of the globe to another, allowing her to develop a personal philosophy in the process.

Louisa Grey的风格源于她个人想要创造平静、低调的奢华内饰的愿望。因此,她总是试图在设计领域中创造一种“简单的优雅”或者更确切地说是一种自然的、进步的美学。她多年前就开始觉得自己被被更简约的美学所吸引,这种美学能够在物理空间和生活在其中的人们之间创造和谐。
Louisa Grey's style stems from her personal desire to create calm, understated luxury interiors. Therefore, she always tries to create a "simple elegance" or rather a natural and progressive aesthetics in the field of design. She began to feel attracted years ago to a more minimalist aesthetic that creates harmony between physical Spaces and the people who live in them.

House Of Grey的设计理念植根于简单,并有意为人们的生活健康而设计。他们创造的空间可以作为生活的喘息之机,让人们回归平衡的感觉。这反过来又给了人们更多的精力和时间。一种对当下更深刻的体验。
The design concept of House Of Grey is rooted in simplicity and is designed intentionally for people's healthy life. The space they create can serve as a respite from life, allowing people to return to a sense of balance. This in turn gives people more energy and time. A deeper experience of the present.


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