| 玄关-Foyer|
The installation of full-length mirror at the entryadds visual fluidity and enlarge the sense of space extension.
|餐厅-Dining Room|
白色与木色包裹下的空间,不定义空间界限,打通整个一层空间,回游动线自由开阔,质朴而温润。 Thespace decorated with white and wood colors will not define the spatialboundaries, instead, it gets through the whole floor space with flexible lines,which gives people a sense of free, simple and gentle.
Green, close to nature
虚掩的纱帘、俏雅的花枝、奇特趣致的造型落地灯等室内软饰陈设,既在美观上营造出一层层家的温馨感,其工艺品质亦经过设计师细致的考量及臻选,确保私宅空间精尚的格调品艺。 Unlocked curtain, pretty flowers, strange but interestfloor lamp, all these interior soft decorations create a harmonious atmosphereof home. The technological quality of them is also selected and examined by thedesigners at great length, which ensures the overall arrangement of the stylishliving room in private house.
| 客厅-Living Room |
客厅的布局,更似生活集合区,去除了电视背景墙,由两组沙发自由围合而成,悠闲随性。家具的形态以直线为主,不时穿插弧形涂鸦等几何元素,结合材质面料的选择与搭配,营造出舒适、趣味的氛围。 Without television background wall, it is more like aliving area which is composed of two sets of sofa fenced up freely. The shapeof the furniture is mainly straight lines, and geometric elements such as arcgraffiti are interspersed from time to time, and then combining the selectionand matching of materials and fabrics to create a comfortable and funatmosphere.
Leisuretime with children.
Use the material of logs to show the warmth betweensquare inches.
舒适自然安心,还有淡淡的幸福感 Comfortable,natural peace of mind, and a touch of happiness.
| 公卫-Public Restrooms |
| 书房- Study |
| 女孩房-Girl's room |
2019 河源市“源创杯”家居空间设计类 唯一金奖 2018“拓者杯”居住空间设计大赛年度最佳作品获得者 2018 中国空间设计大赛“鹏鼎奖”年度新锐设计师 2018-2019年度中国建筑装饰行业最具原创设计机构
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