迈阿密Marea被Biscayne湾和大西洋的波光粼粼的全景所环绕,俯瞰着码头,在精致宁静的氛围中将艺术和设计的双重奢华融合在一起。由国际知名的Yabu Pushelberg公司设计的Marea大厅充满戏剧性,启发性和惊喜,同时也展示了备受赞誉的当代艺术家委托创作的装置作品。
The elegant South of Fifth neighborhood in Miami Beach offers one final, spectacular property. Surrounded by the sparkling panorama of Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, and overlooking the Marina, Marea brings the twin luxuries of art and design together within an atmosphere of exquisite tranquility. Dramatic, inspired, and filled with surprise, Marea’s lobby, designed by the internationally renowned firm of Yabu Pushelberg, is also a showcase of commissioned art installations by critically acclaimed contemporary artists.
Fulton餐厅由Yabu Pushelberg设计,以唤起这座城市海港的历史。新餐厅位于17号码头,装饰有En Viu手绘壁画,描绘了异想天开的海底旅程。通过精心使用豪华的海洋泡沫绿色长椅和u形石英台面来实现这一主题。
The Fulton was designed by top New York design duo Yabu Pushelberg to evoke the history of the city’s seaport. Located at Pier 17, the new restaurant is adorned in hand-painted murals by En Viu that illustrate a whimsical undersea journey. This theme is carried through a refined use of plush sea-foam green banquettes and U-shaped quartz countertops.
The overall scheme, evident throughout the two-story restaurant, veers in the opposite direction of what could easily become kitsch, especially when dealing with nautical treatments. Rather, the design of The Fulton demonstrates a mastery of elegant and restrained interpretation. Dock-floor patterns, wood paneling, and asymmetrical lighting play on the buoyancy of the waterline outside as indoor and outdoor seating provide unobstructed views of the Brooklyn Bridge.
Molteni&C Surf
Yabu Pushelberg刚刚为Molteni&C设计了模块化沙发系统Surf(冲浪),具有未来派风格的设计。Surf的设计得益于他们在酒店业和探索有机形式的本质方面的经验,超越了任何传统方法,不受过多的模块化约束和丰富的意想不到的细节的束缚。 适用于住宅或酒店项目。
Yabu Pushelberg have just designed Surf, a modular sofa system, for Molteni&C,. Thanks to their experience in the hospitality field and in exploring the nature of organic forms well beyond any traditional approach, Yabu Pushelberg design seating, unfettered by the constrictions of excessive modularity and rich in unexpected details. Ideal for residential or hospitality projects, such as hotels or offices.