
Bernard Dubois--优缺点并存的极简空间
禾木木  / 发表于 2019-11-22 21:32:21 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Bernard Dubois Architects是位于比利时首都布鲁塞尔的一家建筑与室内设计工作室,由Bernard Dubois于2014年创立。自认为内向、正在崛起的建筑师Bernard Dubois就像他的作品一样,不像他最初表现的那么严肃。
Bernard Dubois Architects is an architecture and interior design studio in Brussels, Belgium. It was founded by Bernard Dubois in 2014. A self-described introvert, rising architect Bernard Dubois is like his work—not as serious as he first appears.

Bernard Dubois 于2009年毕业于比利时École de La Cambre大学,在不到10年的时间里,他开设了自己的工作室,策划了2014威尼斯建筑年展的比利时馆,为Nicolas Andreas Taralis和Valextra等品牌设计了项目。
Bernard Dubois graduated from Brussels’ École de La Cambre in 2009. In less than 10 years, he has opened his own studio, curated the Belgian Pavilion at Venice Architecture Biennale 2014 and designed retail projects for brands such as Nicolas Andreas Taralis and Valextra.

随着Bernard Dubois频繁地在法国、意大利、瑞士和中国的海外旅行和工作,他对内心深处的研究对象有了积极的反思,这让他的作品产生了与众不同的视觉。可以说,Bernard Dubois的建筑作品反映了他本身的个性——一个优点和缺点并存的、非常有条理的人。
As Bernard travels and works abroad—in France, Italy, Switzerland and China,continuing to carry out an active reflection on subjects that are close to his heart. This gave his work a new vision. It can be said like that the architectural works of Bernard Dubois reflect his own personality. ——A systematic person with both advantages and disadvantages.

在Bernard Dubois的每一个项目中似乎都在阐述着这样的风格特点: 经典的、现代的、后现代主义的,模糊了不同建筑类型之间的界限,他在不同时期借鉴了参考文献,创造了连贯性,并将建筑史所反对的内容汇集在一起。
In every project of Bernard Dubois, it seems that these style characteristics are elaborated: classic, modern, postmodern. Bernard Dubois blurs the boundaries between different architectural types. He draws on references in different periods, creates coherence, and brings together the elements of architectural history.


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