
Olson Kundig--艺术赋予建筑的意义
禾木木  / 发表于 2019-11-22 19:21:32 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Olson Kundig是位于西雅图一家提供全面服务的设计公司,由创始人Jim Olson成立于2000年,由创始人Jim Olson成立。其工作包括住宅,博物馆和展览设计,酒店项目,商业设计,学术建筑,室内设计,景观设计和教堂等。
Olson Kundig is a full-service design firm based in Seattle whose work includes residential, museum and exhibition design, hotel projects, commercial design, academic architecture, interior design, landscape design and churches. The interior design studio was founded in 2000 by founder Jim Olson.

Jim Olson的设计理念是让建筑作为自然、文化、历史和人之间的桥梁,而这种鼓舞人心的环境对人们的生活产生了积极的影响。除了为日常生活提供实用功能外,建筑物还可以具有精神和启发性。除了建筑可以做的事情之外,艺术对建筑的诠释使环境变得更好,更有意义。
Jim Olson's design concept is to make the building as a bridge between nature, culture, history and people, and this inspiring environment has a positive impact on people's lives. In addition to serving the practical functions of daily life, a building can be spiritual and inspiring. In addition to what architecture can do, art's interpretation of architecture makes the environment better and more meaningful.

Jim Olson的工作与艺术密切相关,艺术成就了他的职业生涯,他曾与著名艺术家合作过各种项目,并参与过与艺术相关的项目,如西雅图艺术博物馆、柯克兰艺术博物馆、华盛顿州立大学艺术博物馆等。他认为艺术的存在赋予建筑更深的意义。只要有可能,他想让自己的建筑框架成为独立的艺术作品,而不是博物馆的体验。
Jim Olson's work is closely related to art, which has shaped his career. He has worked with famous artists such as James Turrell on various projects, and participated in projects related to art, such as Seattle art museum, kirkland art museum, Washington state university art museum and so on. He believes that the existence of art gives a deeper meaning to architecture. Whenever possible, he prefers his architectural framework to be an independent work of art rather than a museum experience.

人们很容易忽视艺术和建筑是如何交织在一起的,建筑可以通过创造伟大的背景来提高观赏艺术的体验。但最重要的是,它本身是一种艺术形式,能够超越时间和肉体。毫无疑问,Jim Olson是真正理解艺术与建筑之间联系的人。
It's easy to overlook how art and architecture are intertwined. Architecture can enhance the experience of viewing art by creating great backgrounds; But above all, it is an art form in itself, capable of transcending time and flesh. There is no doubt that Jim Olson is the one who really understands the connection between art and architecture.


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