
Darci Hether--现代优雅的冷静美学
禾木木  / 发表于 2019-5-30 19:32:20 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




      作为一个受人尊敬的、坐落在纽约市的室内设计师,Darci Hether专注于豪华,全方位的室内设计服务。她创造的室内设计以其现代而优雅的冷静美学而闻名,从不缺充满好奇心或创造力的元素。问题解决者、详细的、诚实的、有条理的,这是客户用来描述Darci Hether的几个词。
      As an esteemed interior designer located in New York City, Darci specializes in luxury, full service. Known for her contemporary and elegantly calm aesthetic, the interiors that Darci creates are never lacking in elements of intrigue or creativity. Problem Solver. Detailed. Honest. Organized. These are just a few words clients have used to describe Darci Hether.

      Darci于1998年在南加州开始了她的设计生涯,在2002年搬到纽约市之前,她与受欢迎的贸易专业人士和技术娴熟的定制工作室建立了许多宝贵的关系,并于2008年春季创立了Darci Hether工作室,其宗旨是为客户提供卓越的客户服务、精美的室内装饰和专业而有趣的设计流程。

    Darci began her design career in Southern California in 1998, cultivating many invaluable relationships with sought after trade professionals and skilled custom workrooms, before moving to New York City in 2002. Darci founded Darci Hether New York in the Spring of 2008 grounded in the principles of offering her clientele with outstanding customer service, beautifully curated interiors and a professional yet fun design process.


      Guided by her keen eye and attention to detail, Darci works with many globe-trotting, busy professionals to deliver a unique, customized dwelling that not only reflects the homeowners diverse experiences but also depicts their aspirations and showcases who they are.

      Darci’s ultimate goal is to work in collaboration with her clients and delivering more than her client’s ever dreamed possible. She has an amazing design vision and strong sense of color and space. She was involved in every phase of the project and brought fresh ideas and beautiful, unexpected touches throughout client’s home.


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