
Workshop APD新作--捕捉品质生活的精髓
禾木木  / 发表于 2019-4-30 20:04:30 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Workshop APD不受项目类型或单一审美的约束,致力于创造性,创新和智能的作品。同时寻求平衡的理性和触觉,装饰和克制的线。
Workshop/APD is not subject to project types or a singleaesthetic, dedicated to creative, innovative and intelligent work. And alsoseek a balance of rationality and touch, decoration and restraint lines.


Pre-war charm meets modern detail in this Central Parkresidence designed to be a minimal, quiet escape from the chaos of New YorkCity.


Featuring custom millwork throughout, this kitchen wasdesigned to feel at home within it's gallery-like setting. In our choice ofmaterials, we used things that were very distressed. We used subway tile, andwe actually took a mallet to the walls and intentionally broke it. Designed fora client with a significant art collection, the living room features custommillwork and a modern fireplace.

这个哥伦布环形住宅的设计就像是一个两居室的酒店套房 - 目的是通过有限的材料和饰面简化视觉语言。
This Columbus Circle residence was designed as if it werea two bedroom hotel suite - with the goal of simplifying the visual languagethrough limited materials and finishes.


Grey stained white oak is present throughout the home, andis seen in the custom millwork, flooring and fragmented paneling that dividethe open living space and kitchen. Each of the two bedrooms feature a combinedbuilt-in bed, headboard and side tables. Aubergine, skyline grey and midnightblue provide accents to the monochromatic space and add intrigue to the limitedpalette.

Workshop APD将这个1880年代的矿工小屋改造成了一个现代化的住宅,同时保留了主要的山墙和交叉山墙结构。

Workshop/APD transformed this 1880s miner’s cabin into amodern residence while staying true to the main gable and cross gablestructure.


Wood, glass, and metal come together to turnan architectural detail into a sculptural moment. "A bold marriage ofmodern style and functional art preserve the essence of mountain living in thishistoric West End home."


With stunning views of Aspen Mountain, this master suitewas designed to create a tranquil space to relax after skiing. Oxidized elm,brass and maple slabs give this custom bench a “crafted modern” feel and look.This custom master vanity is made of rift oak and powder coated steel. Designedfor a music lover, this office doubles as a soundproof practice space for alltypes of instruments.

Workshop APD最近完成的Nantucket Harbour住宅位于Nantucket最具田园风情的土地上,是一个宁静的避暑胜地,旨在容纳众多客人。
Located on arguably one of the most idyllic plots of landin Nantucket, Workshop/APD’s recently completed Nantucket Harbor dwelling is atranquil summer retreat designed to accommodate a multitude of guests.

深绿色和棕色锚定双层高山墙客厅,分层轻盈和中档温暖的中性色。这种对比有助于定义空间,并为这个家庭海滩大院中最“正式”的房间增添了额外的复杂性。Workshop APD以现有住宅为起点,精心设计,与陡峭的场地规划相融合,在景观中塑造住宅,并创建一系列层次,突出从高到低的非凡景观。并创建了一系列从高到低的不同寻常的景观。位于中心的楼梯整合了住宅的三层,无缝地将公共和私人空间连接在一起。

Deep greens and browns anchor the double height gabledliving room which is layered with light and mid-range warm neutrals. Thiscontrast helps define the space and adds an additional layer of sophisticationfor the most “formal” room in this family beach compound. Workshop/APD used theexisting home as a starting point and crafted their design to blend with thesteep site plan, sculpting the home within the landscape and creating a seriesof levels highlighting the extraordinary views from high to low. The centrallylocated staircase integrates the three levels of the home, seamlessly tying thepublic and private spaces together.


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