
Norm Architects新作--现代主义的克制美学
禾木木  / 发表于 2019-4-23 21:14:40 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师



    Norm Architects的专长在于找到微妙的平衡,设计尊重当地环境,并以斯堪的纳维亚设计的传统为基础 - 永恒的美学、天然材料和现代主义的克制和精致原则。
Their expertise lies in finding the subtle balance,The design respects the local context and builds on thetraditions of Scandinavian design – timelessaesthetics, natural materials and the Modernist principles of restraint andrefinement.

AIM Architecture and Norm Architects have completed an exclusive villaresort in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka–a secluded beach front property surrounded by exotic vegetation and striking views, with the architecture effortlessly blending in to the nature withlarge openings, soft transitions and natural materials.

The exclusive villa resort is comprised of two individual buildings; theeast house placed atop a hilly part of the property, opening up to the sea, andthe west house slightly tucked away, providing a more sheltered feel. Togetherthe two form an L-shape, framing the garden and centrally placed pool area. Thebarn-like structure effortlessly blends into the landscape, enclosing theoutdoor common areas while framing the general view towards the sea.

The architecture is composed of natural materials; local teak wood,polished terrazzo, facades of polished cement and outdoor areas of localgranite stone. The roof is made of recycled terracotta tiles which complementsthe overall natural look and tactile feel of the house.

Due to the warm and pleasant climate, the architecture can blend into thenature using soft transitions. There are outdoor living and diningspaces, porches, with switching levels defining thresholds between them. Largesliding doors open up key spaces to the garden. Shutters are made of wood toavoid glazed openings. The generous roofs of the two buildings cover theseindoor/outdoor spaces from rain and sun, allowing this special feeling of beingin nature in a protected and comfortable manner.

The common areas of the east house open up towards each other and aregenerally bright and spacious, whereas the living and dining room of the westhouse have a more intimate and enclosed feel. The rooms, too, are withdrawn andprivate, with minimal interiors and décor,providing space to retreat to when needed. Two rooms have bathrooms opening upto private courtyards, giving you the luxurious sensation of being in naturewhen showering.

Bespoke furniture include the inbuilt sofa in the luxurious lounge areaand the headboards that continue along the wall to function as seating and/ortable tops in the bedrooms. A combination of these bespoke modern minimalpieces alongside other locally sourced antique furniture and accessoriescreates a familiar yet native atmosphere.

这座位于丹麦东海岸的小屋曾经是一座小渔夫的小屋,现在是当代丹麦建筑界中最著名的建筑师之一——NormArchitects的Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen的家。
Once a small fisherman’s cottage,this home on Denmark’s east coast is now home to one ofthe biggest names in contemporary Danish architecture, Norm Architects’ Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen.

Less than an hour from Copenhagen, the small fishing town of Vedbaekmakes for a welcome antidote to the buzz of the city. Flanked by woods andmeadow on one side and the ocean on the other, the town offers an old worldcharm without the remote location. No strangers to the locale, Bjerre-Poulsenand his family had been living in the town for seven years when they fell inlove with the small, run-down fisherman’scottage that would become their home.

Built in 1911, the home was constructed from far-reaching inspiration; theexterior features a high roof line and wooden balconies derived from theTyrolean influence at the time, while inside Art Deco wall panelling andneo-classical ornaments create an eclectic feel. In addition, different ownersthroughout the years had each added new elements, creating what Bjerre-Poulsendescribes a “patchwork”of styles.

“We had to tear almost everything out inside and startall over,” he says, “onlykeeping the most beautiful and original details and ornaments”.While the outside of the house has remained fairly unchanged,inside substantial updates were made, beginning with the unison of sevendifferent floor types and seven different layers to a single layer made ofsmooth, industrial magnetite. “It made the house muchmore unified inside and really put a focus on the beautiful original decor,” says Bjerre-Poulsen.

The unison of classic and contemporary continues with the new roundedstone staircase, preservation of the ornamental walls and a pared-back, masculinecolour palette. The design also repurposes original elements in new ways, suchas the herringbone flooring that is now integrated to the kitchen counter.Whilethe character of the original home shines through, it’s tempered by the modern functionality and minimalismthat Norm Architects are revered for—an ideal architect’s home.

Norm建筑事务所完成了皮革品牌Sørensen Leather位于DK奥胡斯外的新总部内部。在这里,皮革在家具和其他方面营造出一种平静的凝聚感-作为一个舒缓的触觉表面贯穿整个室内。皮革为您的感官增添了一种无与伦比的优雅气质,是装饰本身各种元素的理想材料。
Norm Architects have completed the interior ofSørensen Leather’s new HQoutside Aarhus, DK. Here, leather creates a calm sense of cohesion on furnitureand beyond—as a soothing tactile surface throughout theinterior. Adding an unspoken elegance that engages your senses, leather is anideal material for all kinds of elements in the décoritself.

With the showroom and offices we wanted to echothe brand image and exude a mood of calm, conducive to connecting and creating.Demonstrating the leather’s creativepotential, the space features an array of applications, including bespoketables, cabinets and dividers, while also presenting the leather in context,showing how it adapts and corresponds to other natural materials such as woodand stone.

The soft hues and subtle leather surfacescontribute to the wellbeing of the staff and its guests, making work feel lesslike work by adding home accessories and warmly textured natural materials.

使用皮革为办公室和陈列室组合创建定制解决方案一直是一个教育过程 - 了解皮革的特性并找到将其整合到室内的方法:用来自中国的软质半苯胺皮革覆盖整个会议桌结构例如,SPECTRUM系列使表格脱颖而出,给人一种精致的感觉。“
Working with leather to create bespoke solutionsfor a combined office and showroom has been an educational process—understanding thecharacteristics of the leather and finding ways to integrate it in theinterior: covering the entire conference table construction with soft,semi-aniline leather from the SPECTRUM collection, for instance, makes the formstand out and gives it a delicate touch.


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