▼古北SOHO坐落在虹桥中心商务区,Gubei SOHO is located in Shanghai Hongqiao area 项目由38层的办公塔楼和设置商业与地下停车场的12层裙楼组成。景观设计充分利用与公园的毗邻性,延伸在苍翠繁茂的自然环境中休息、漫步的体验。
▼街道视角,view from the street ▼建筑与公园毗邻,四周充满绿植,the landscape design takes advantage of proximity to the park ▼办公塔楼和商业裙楼组,the office tower and podium with retail and basement parking ▼从街道望向夜晚的建筑,night view from the street 充分利用可俯瞰公园景观的中央位置优势,同时采用合理的、具有表现力的建筑造型。受到康斯坦丁·布朗库西无尽之柱的启发,建筑采用波状方尖塔造型,对角倾斜的曲折轮廓。雕塑造型的每一侧由四个堆叠体量组成。一系列转换柱网形成的密集墙表面,起到有效遮阳、减小玻璃眩光、营造城市坚固感的作用。
▼建筑采用波状方尖塔造型,对角倾斜的曲折轮廓,the tower presents itself as an undulating obelisk featuring a diagonally canted zig-zag profile ▼一系列转换柱网形成的密集墙表面起到营造城市坚固感的作用,a series of shifted grids create a density of wall surface that shades from the sun, reduces glass glare, and creates a sense of urban solidity 基于更为简洁的连接,裙楼体量与塔楼形成互补。垂直平面上的角度通过反射住宅社区强调街道体验。顶层设置空中花园,为大楼租户和公众提供用餐场所和户外空间。
▼垂直平面上的角度通过反射住宅社区强调街道体验,the angle on its vertical planes place emphasis on the street experience by reflecting the residential neighborhood ▼大堂电梯间,elevator hall in the lobby ▼室内细部使用了与建筑外观相同的设计语言,the details of the interior use the same design language as the exterior of the tower ▼墙面细部,wall surface detail ▼夜幕下的古北SOHO, night view of Gubei SOHO |