▼住宅外观,采用阶梯式的空间组织方式,exterior view of the house with the form of stepping up the hillside 住宅位于一个陡坡上,顺应地势,通过阶梯式的空间组织方式来适应场地的限制,同时形成了错层式的生活区域;车库和储藏空间位于底层,起居生活空间位于中间层,卧室区域则位于顶层。
▼住宅外观局部,阶梯式设计和开敞的立面使住户能够享受无遮挡的景观视野,partial exterior view, the stepped design and the open facade provide residents with unobstructed views ▼住宅外观局部,阶梯式的空间组织方式形成了错层式的生活区域,partial exterior view, the stepped designs create split level zones ▼住宅外观局部,立面采用不同材料,partial exterior view, the facade uses different materials 此外,阶梯式的设计方案还使得每层空间都能享受到无遮挡的景观视野。
▼从室外看二层生活区的开放式厨房和餐厅,the open kitchen and the dining room at the central level viewing from the outside ▼二层生活空间,the living zone at the central level ▼开放式厨房和餐厅,享有无遮挡的景观视野,the open kitchen and the dining room with unobstructed views ▼开放式厨房和餐厅,可以看到庭院,the open kitchen and the dining room with a courtyard view ▼位于住宅二层的起居室,室内采用几乎不需维护的材料,the living room at the central level with the materials requiring little long-term maintenance ▼起居室局部,partial views of the living room ▼二层的室内平台,可欣赏远处的海景,the interior terrace at the central level with the ocean view in the distance ▼楼梯细部,从一层到二层的楼梯(左),从二层到三层的楼梯(右),details of the stairs, the stairs connecting the lowest level and the central level (left), the stairs connecting the central level and the highest level (right) ▼走廊细节,details of interior corridors 在住宅材料的选择上,首先,材料应该能够满足严格的森林火灾防范要求,其次,应该能够最大程度地减少住宅的长期维护需求。
▼从室外看三层卧室,the bedroom view from the outside ▼三层卧室局部,partial view of the bedroom at the third level ▼三层浴室细节,details of the bathroom on the third floor |