这座70平方米的公寓是一对年轻夫妇的家,最明显的特点是一个独特的木制体量。这个由耶岛细纹木(Pau Ferro)打造而成的体量几乎涵盖了公寓的所有私密空间,起到了划分空间和组织室内流线的作用。建筑师使用窗帘将寝室区等私密空间与公共空间分隔开来,通过窗帘的开合,可以有效地将寝室区隐藏或敞开。这么做的好处是住户可以根据场合需要进行空间的组织。
▼室内空间一览,overall view of the interior space
▼室内的木制体量,可拉上窗帘将就寝区隐藏起来,the wood volume which can be hidden or revealed by the curtain
▼室内的木制体量,包含了私密性空间,起到了划分空间和组织室内流线的作用,the wood volume which contains private space, divides the spaces and organizes the circulations
▼木制体量内的就寝区,the dormitory in the wood volume
▼室内的木制体量细节,起到了书桌和储藏空间的作用,details of the wood volume which can act as desk and storage
▼木质体量和起居室,沙发中间的孔洞可以使柱子穿过,the wood volume and the living room, sofa hugs the pillar
▼木质体量和起居室,沙发具有可调节靠背,住户既可躺下,也可坐着交谈,the wood volume and the living room, sofa’s movable backs provide users with a lying done and sitting space
▼餐厅和起居室,公寓的地板采用黄色环氧树脂漆,the dining room and the living room, the floor of the whole apartment is in yellow epoxy paint
▼餐厅,宠物狗的小窝隐藏在柜子中,the dining room, the dog house is hidden behind the cabinet
▼卧室手绘透视图,perspective sketch of the bedroom
▼沙发细节设计图,details of the sofa