▼建筑的东面朝向雾气弥漫的山谷,there is an uncontrollable desire to turn the villa entirely to face eastwards, towards its view of thunderous beauty and discrete privacy
▼建筑体量与周围环境融为一体,the relationship between the villa and its context
▼住宅背面的车辆坡道,ramp at the backside
▼连接室内外空间的过渡区域,the transition area between the interior and exterior
▼尺寸惊人的大门邀请人们进入纯净而温暖的室内空间,an exceptional superlative and invitation to enter through the oversized door that separates the hermetic and mysterious exterior from its pure and warm interior
▼室内天井将接待区和私密区分隔开来, the reception areas and the intimate zones are separated by a large indoor patio
▼天井与起居空间,patio and the living area
▼从客厅望向餐厅和厨房,view to the dining room from the living room
▼餐厨空间,dining and kitchen area
▼厨房细部,kitchen detailed view
▼从餐厨空间望向阳台,view to the outdoor terrace from the dining and kitchen area
▼室内细部,interior detailed view
▼天井光影,light and shadow in the patio