The Most Beautiful Grand Mercure in China | DDA打造雅高中国最美美爵酒店
DDA设计|郑州新田美爵度假酒店 ▼项目概况 Program Name | Grand Mercure,Zhengzhou 项目名称|郑州新田美爵度假酒店 Address | No.1 Xintian Road, Zhongyuan new district, Zhengzhou, Henan, China 项目地点|河南省郑州市荥阳市中原新区新田大道1号 Program area| 19500㎡ 项目面积|19500平方米 Design Company | DDA/DAN DESIGN ASSOCIATES 设计公司|DDA丹诺国际集团
Grand Mercure 来自法国Accor的五星级酒店 As a five star hotel, Grand Mercure,Zhengzhou may not as luxurious as you think.But art and theme are her language.In addition to her, you may hardly find such a clever combination of the Chinese Style and the West style. 作为一所五星级酒店, 郑州新田美爵可能不像你所想的那样奢华, 但艺术性和主题性,就是她的语言, 除了她,你也许很难见到如此中西合璧的巧妙设计。
TOPIC INTRODUCTION 主题介绍 A symbolic design theme — 一个具有象征意义的设计主题 — Subject Concept Design 'The Cocoon Into A Butterfly' “蝶变新生”的主题概念设计 In the tide of the new age,Donglin Lake area has gained new development.In Chinese culture, we always compare it to the cocoon into a butterfly. 整个洞林湖生意盎然,在新时代的潮流中, 如同一只破茧而出的华蝶,终于迎来了属于自己的春天。 Butterflies dancing in spring,and flowers are blooming by the lake.In this project,DDA subverted the tradition once again.It used the design technique to fuse the Western Hotel pattern and the themes with Chinese characteristics together skillfully. It is going to be a perfect example of Chinese and West combination, and a new milestone for Grand Mercure resorts hotels. 蝶舞春日下,飞花满洞林。在本次项目中,DDA又一次颠覆传统, 巧妙地利用设计手法在不改变传统西式酒店格局的前提下自然地 将带有中国色彩的洞林蝶衣主题概念融入其中。郑州美爵将成为 中西合璧的典范,奠定雅高度假酒店的新里程碑。