
沃纳迪家居  / 发表于 2018-10-26 10:26:05 |商业公装[严选]  / 店铺零售商店
私密催生窥探,新知代偿旧识,从人类关系延伸到商业空间设计,YEBIN DESIG尝试的新理念可能性
From private into prying, as new interpretation takes over, by extend thinking from human relations into commercial spatial design,YEBIN DESIGN seeks possibilities of new concept.
▼建筑外观,exterior view

2017年,全球传奇买手店Colette关店,Triple-Major上海店宣布结业,两家买手店头牌的举动引起行业哗然,然而国内其他买手店在却仍保持着“激流勇进”的态势,全国买手店激增至上千家——清晰的商业定位、对潮流文化的个性解读与人文性的深度思考成为从买手集合店狂潮中脱颖而出的首要条件。CHOCLAB作为拥有来自世界各地潮牌、时装周当季新品和全球爆款的潮牌集合店,在与YEBIN DESIGN的合作中尝试探讨当下的人性化设计解读,提出了“不深不浅,恰是新知”的商业空间新知论。
In 2017, the legendary French boutique Colette permanently closed. The Shanghai store of Triple-Major also declared closing. The shutting down of these two boutique leaders brought surprises to the entire business; yet many other boutique stores in China continued flourishing, as more than a thousand have now appeared—therefore, a clear commercial proposition, a unique understanding to pop culture, and a deep evaluation of humanity have become crucial rules in order to stand out from this rave of multi-brand boutique stores. As a multi-brand boutique that brings together hot seasonal items from trendy brands and fashion weeks all over the world, CHOCLAB collaborates with YEBIN DESIGN and tries to interpret the contemporary human centered design by proposing a new idea for commercial space—“new interpretation with the right amount of balance”.
▼立面细部,facade detailed view

有别于大部分集合店的大面积展示,CHOCLAB在店铺外观上抛弃了敞开式设计,利用纯粹的几何式组合外立面和看起来常年紧闭的大门,这个具有仪式感的入场也是一种对私密与窥探的矛盾体验尝试。这也是YEBIN DESIGN和CHOCLAB想表达的观点——人们追求私密性,同时又控制不住自己的窥探欲。兼顾隐私又不至于完全封闭的空间,试图催生观者进入空间内部一探究竟的欲望。
Unlike most multi-brand stores that expose huge internal areas from outside, CHOCLAB abandons an open design in the storefront; but instead, uses a facade with geometrical combination, and a door that seems to be permanently closed. This ritualistic entrance is an attempt on the contradicting experience of private and prying. People wants their own privacy, yet cannot control their urge to pry into other’s privacy—this is the concept that YEBIN DESIGN and CHOCLAB want to express. This design attends to private space, yet is not entirely sealed off, therefore triggers the desire of wanting to go explore inside.
▼细看才会发现的一排金色小孔和写了品牌名称的玻璃窗,透过它们才能隐约窥见店内的景象,Only through a closer look can people discover a line of golden holes, and a window with the store’s name written on it. And only through them, can people get a vague glance of what’s inside the store

An art space with criss-crossing geometric patterns
In both working and living, people like to have bright and open environment in order to keep a positive atmosphere; in the same time they need independent space for thinking and retreating. The first floor of CHOCLAB uses a simple and bright structure: by using white that gives plenty of space to imagination, and a vibrant lively gold, the visual entity becomes more spacious; while using criss-crossing geometric patterns to divide the space into several zones to enhance a visual connection.
▼一层简洁而开放的入口空间, a simple and open space of the entrance area

▼室内以富有想象空间的白色和活跃明快的金色为主,by using white that gives plenty of space to imagination, and a vibrant lively gold, the visual entity becomes more spacious

人与人近距离交往中,不可避免总是先观察到对方的脸,紧随其后的就是着装。YEBIN DESIGN的这一思考,设计了面对面站着的人脸延伸展示货架,将人与人交往的直观感受融入其中,隐晦低调地表现:时装是关于人的艺术,也是沟通的一种形式。结合CHOCLAB的解读与定位,并不需要密集的陈列区域,YEBIN DESIGN在设计中没有加入繁复的装饰和紧密的结构排布,进入内部时路线灵动,动线清晰,在陈列点上的细节,使观者本能地关注到产品本身。
While socializing among people, we always first look into their faces, and then, their attires. From this perspective, YEBIN DESIGN develops a face-to-face showing rack that extends from human faces. This incorporates the experience of socializing, and implies that fashion is not only an art of people, but also a way of communicating.According to the positioning of CHOCLAB, the store doesn’t require packed showing areas, therefore, YEBIN DESIGN didn’t choose any complicated decorations or closely connected structural division. The route entering the space is diverse and the flow is distinct. All the details on the exhibiting points can lead audiences to better focus on the products.
▼投影墙,projection wall

▼面对面站着的人脸延伸展示货架,the face-to-face showing rack that extends from human faces

On the first floor, the staircase that goes to the second floor hides behind the projection wall. This goes along the concept of concealing, which is manifested on the storefront. Cone, line, and square—the use of these geometric characters effortlessly joins together a lively and chic atmosphere.
▼隐藏在投影墙后的楼梯,the staircase hidden behind the projection wall

▼楼梯同样以金色和白色分割,拐角处奇妙的装饰引人注目,让人不禁好奇“楼上的秘密”。The staircase is divided with the same gold and white color. The peculiar decoration around the corner strikes attentions, and makes people wonder about the ‘secret’ hidden upstairs.

▼展示空间,displaying area

Detailed Consideration for Materials
高频节奏和现代化的生活难免无趣,人们需要体验更多可能性。服装设计师对待材料的方式引发了YEBIN DESIGN的思考——那些不容忽视的手工感与立体裁切,解构重组所带来的各种冲突创造。登上2F,铁质的黑色墙面和展台,大面积浅暖的质感皮质,到处都是手工的痕迹,每种材料上都留有人工打磨的错落。材料的可能性运用无意间凸显了了空间的深邃神秘。
Fast paced modern life can be sometimes quite dull, people want to experience different possibilities. The way that the fashion designers treat materials has inspired YEBIN DESIGN to think about the importance of the sense of handcrafting, three-dimensional cutting, and deconstruction that creates conflicts.Coming up to the second floor, the use of iron black wall, stalls, and slightly warm toned leather in large areas are all filled with traces of craftsmanship, as the materials are all polished by hand. The various possibilities of the materials unintentionally bring more mystery into the space.
▼二层展示区域,display area on the second floor

▼大而不兀银色熠熠的金属人型雕塑,延承了人与服装的互为作用,作为陈列货架,浸入整体空间。The big yet harmonious metallic human shaped sculpture shines silver. It correlates to how men and clothings are mutually affected, while functioning as exhibiting racks and merge into the spatial dynamic.


▼室内细部,detailed view

每个角色都有鲜明的个性,而时装往往是其最直观的体现。YEBIN DESIGN从整体人性思考出发,试图让整体风格分布与理念丝丝入扣。
Every individual has a distinct character, and fashion is often its most straightforward expression. YEBIN DESIGN starts from human centered thinking, and tries to embed this concept into the whole spatial style.
▼错位的金属圆椎柱表现出随意的精心,the dislocated metallic cone reveals a meticulously arranged casual

▼通道里的黑色座椅,the black chair in the hallway

CHOCLAB KITCHEN —Innovative Lifestyle
2F楼梯口往左是服装集合空间,往右则隐匿着CHOCLAB KITCHEN。所谓衣食住行,着装与饮食对人来说同样重要,现代人并不仅仅追求饱腹之欲,服务与环境成为更高追求。2F整体延伸了浅暖色调,依旧是黑铁、紫铜、浅色皮纹的搭配,线条质感分明,两个区域既互相分割,又存在着某种互动和联结。商业购物逻辑下的空间秩序,建立了新而暗涌的情感路径与感受。
On the second floor, left side of the stairs belongs to clothing collections, while the CHOCLAB KITCHEN is tucked away in the right side. In Chinese there’s a four word idiom saying: “wear, eat, live, travel”, which refer to the four basic necessities of life. Clothes and food are equally important, yet modern people not only pursue simply filling up the stomach, but a satisfaction from both dining service and environment. The second floor continues with the slightly warm color palette, by using a combination of clearly defined black iron, red copper, and light toned leather. The two sections are distinctly divided, yet still have interaction and connection. In this spatial dynamic under a commercial logic, new underlying emotional paths and feelings arise.
▼通往CHOCLAB KITCHEN餐厅的过道,the corridor leading to the CHOCLAB KITCHEN

吃饭既是一件私密的事情,同时也是维系人际关系重要的途径。“既分割又关联”的状态在社交中不可避免。餐厅与服装集合空间因为气味,尤为难以处理两者的关系。YEBIN DESIGN通过“立”“面”为墙,“破”墙为“序”——在原本的空间竖立数个独立的面,通过面形成空间之间的隔断。
Eating is both a intimate matter, yet also an crucial way to socialize with other people. A state of “divided while connected” is inevitable in such socializing. It is especially difficult to handle the relationship between the restaurant and the clothing store due to smell. YEBIN DESIGN erects surface as wall, yet breaks the wall to create order: in the original space, several vertical independent walls are built to function as the dividing surface between the space.
▼用餐空间,dining area

▼餐厅细部,detailed view


On the wall, as well as exhibiting props, the various cut, convex, and concave, reconstruct a new order of the surface. This order is again broken by adding the transparency on the lower part of the wall, implicitly building a “overlap” among the two spatial entities.
▼墙面的切割,the various cut of the wall surface

▼墙面下部的通透,the transparency on the lower part of the wall


商业设计不仅在于店铺本身,还是其背后文化现象及体验所转化的直观视觉呈现,以及对平台经营、人性化解读、差异化服务、买手团队基础上潮流文化生活的社交圈打造。对行业的深入思考,对人性的场景实验,对布局的解构重组,才是YEBIN DESIGN在CHOCLAB项目中对新知的理解与尝试,也将在未来的设计将此类方式延续更迭。
Commercial design is not just about the shop itself, but also the culture phenomenon behind it, and a experience-oriented visual display; it is also about  building a platform, a human-centered interpretation, a diversified service, as well as a living and socializing circle based on the buyer’s selection of trend. Through a thorough thinking of the business, s scene experiment based on human nature, and a deconstruction of the spatial composition, YEBIN DESIGN creates new interpretation in the CHOCLAB project, and will carry on such approaches in various ways in future design projects.

▼包厢区域,private dining room

▼洗手间,wash room

▼入口立面分析图,storefront Analysis

▼餐厅区域分析图,Restaurant Spatial Analysis
▼1F轴测图,1F axon

▼2F轴测图,2F axon

▼1F平面图,1F Floor Plan

▼2F平面图,2F Floor Plan

类型:室内设计 商业建筑 服装
分类:建筑 室内
标签:室内设计 杭州


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