设计单位|米设计空間設計工作室 主创设计|胡麒辉 软装团队|艾尚软装 · 画 项目地址|辉腾新天地 案例格局|108㎡ 参考造价|28w
设计说明: 一个家,实用与美貌须得并存,在本次案例设计中,设计师弃去鲜明颜色对比,而以中性灰色为基底,当然也是满足屋主的审美需求,将空间储物性合理运用发挥,使往宅能有条不絮,设计师从原户型着手整改,无论是入户鞋柜,西厨高柜、客厅电视柜,亦或是卫生间的储物柜,在复合屋主的需要下让空间多一点储物空间,合理的规划各个功能区,在这样一个忙碌而繁华的都市下,设计师决定将:“热闹”留在室外,屋内需要营造出清晰结清且舒适优雅的环境氛围,希望屋主在这里有着属于自己的宁静。
Design Description: a home, practical and beautiful face must coexist, in this case design, designers abandoned clear color contrast, and neutral gray as the base, of course, to meet the aesthetic needs of the owner, the rational use of space storage property, so that in the seduction in the house can not be fine, the designer from the original unit set about the whole unit. Whether it is a shoe cabinet, a western kitchen cabinet, a living room TV cabinet, or a locker in the bathroom, it is necessary to make space more space for storage in the compound room, and to reasonably plan various functional areas. Under such a busy and prosperous city, the designer decides that "the bustle" is left outside, and the house needs camping. Create a clear, comfortable and elegant atmosphere, and hope that the owners have their own peace here.
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