采用了开放式的布局,将各个功能区连为一体。从家具桌椅,到绿植配饰点缀,无不体现出设计师的细腻用心。为了营造出经典而舒适的空间氛围,采用柔和的橡木桌面搭配细腻的皮革座椅,气调温润。大面积落地的玻璃幕墙带来室外明亮的自然光线,透过透明的玻璃让屋外的阳光美景洒入室内,对空间有明显的的延伸效果,营造出明媚又时尚的休憩空间与洽谈环境。 深夜书房
大面积的书墙将洽谈区与深夜书房分隔开,也使空间更有通透感。极具设计感的色调搭配为舒适悠闲的空间气质带来升华,静谧又精致。时尚又经典的气息在淡雅的色调中彰显出自然的本性。没有多余的复杂设施,设计师将这里设置的如同发光、纯净一般的存在。整个空间立于纷繁,而静于内心。 洗手间走廊
此处灯光趋于柔和,格调统一的石材拼贴与木纹墙面巧妙搭配,不但让空间充满张力,更将整体空间营造出自然灵动的美感。 黑色巨石雕塑作为空间点缀,看似随意放置,却是恰到好处的美。屋外斑驳的树影,庭院中的绿植、砂石,在半落的帘幕上映射出一幅缥缈的自然风光。 Design Firm | YuQiang & Partners Project | HangZhou Hua Jing Chuan VANKE From The East Exhibition Center Designer | Liao Bingjun, Luo yang, Lu Yingxiao, Decoration | WOW DECO Liu Xiaoyu Location | HangZhou, China
YuQiang & Partners was founded by Mr. Yu Qiang in 1999, exclusively working as an interior design platform for outstanding interior designers to develop themselves under the leadership of versatile designers. The studio drives the improvement of design perception through interacting with information technology, in the long run, leading to making the team have an advanced, globalized and active view of design. Has gone through over 10 years, the studio has become a professional team with more than 110 members. The team of principle architects consists of excellent designers and architects with a bunch of experience from mainland China and abroad. YuQiang & Partners has developed a completely organized project execution and management system, effectively taking control of the whole process of construction and ideally ensuring the achievement of design. Meanwhile, it helps customers reduce the consumption of time and cost positively in term of project management. 通过多年的努力,我们建设完成了从“设计创意”、“工程技术管理”到“软装、设计、实施”,以及“进口高端设计产品供货”的设计项目各环节完整链条的服务系统。能够满足客户对全面设计服务,以及最为高端设计服务的需求,从而形成了鲜明的经营特色与独有的市场竞争力,并能有效控制最终的设计实施品质。 After years’ endeavoring practice, the team has accomplished an overall design service system that reconciles creative design, engineering technology management, furnishings programme and execution, and high-end products supply. This system is able to satisfy different profiled customers in need of all-in-one and luxurious design service, ending up with producing a distinct characteristic of its operation and unique marketing competitiveness. The quality of ultimate execution is effectively guaranteed as well. We adore design, we know our life even more!