本案位於澳門,這個項目的設計概念是通過結合簡約的設計風格以及搭配高端的材料,營造出時尚前衛的感覺。 Located in Macao, and the whole design is reflected through the combination of simplicity design and high – quality material, to create a fashionable avant-garde feeling. 玄關的設計最能反映出設計師的精心設計,燈光也有足夠的亮度。 Porch design reflects the designer's elaborate design, lighting also has enough brightness. 在家具的搭配上,選擇了黑白灰為主色調,簡約的造型,讓整個空間倍感時尚。 In the furniture collocation, choose black, white and gray as the main color, simple shape, let the whole space feel more fashionable. 衛生間的設計以清洁、卫生为主,搭配燈光,提升空間亮度。 In the washroom, the theme here focused on clean atmosphere, with lights, enhance the brightness of space. 電視櫃設計以黑砂鋼為原材料,簡約而時尚,還起到隔斷的作用。 TV cabinet design is very simple, use black sand steel as raw materials, and play a role in partition. 臥室設計大方簡潔,營造出完美舒適的空間。 The entire design of bedroom is generous and simple, create a perfect comfortable space. 電視櫃外形簡約美觀,沒有太多複雜的設計,給人一種舒適的體驗。 The television cabinet is concise and beautiful, not too many complex design, give a person a kind of comfortable experience. 衣帽間採用大量的灰鏡,延伸整體空間感,減少壓抑。 A large area of gray mirrors materials are use in the cloakroom, which extending the overall sense of space, reduce the sense of pressure.