
Greg Natale
文致中和  / 发表于 2018-3-26 11:11:44 |同行交流[开放]  / 大咖人物


      The most influential designer in the world


      2016 International Year Luxury Designer

      Greg Natale是澳大利亚知名室内设计师,同时也是全球范围内100个最具知名度的顶尖大师之一 ,一直致力于将内部和外部住宅和商业设计领域的设计和装饰融为一体。
      Greg Natale is a well-known interior designer in Australia and one of the top 100 best-known masters in the world. He has been working to integrate design and decoration of interior and exterior residential and commercial design fields.
      Greg Natale在悉尼Design Centre Enmore学习室内设计,在悉尼艺术大学学习视觉艺术,在悉尼科技大学学习建筑。
      Greg Natale studied interior design at Sydney Design Centre Enmore, studied visual arts at the University of the Arts Sydney, and studied architecture at the University of Technology Sydney.
      从1996年到2001年,Natale曾在三个不同的建筑设计公司工作:Garth Barnett Designers,HBO + EMTB和SJB。2001创立了自己的设计事务所。
      From 1996 to 2001, Natale worked in three different architectural design companies: Garth Barnett Designers, HBO + EMTB, and SJB. 2001 founded its own design office.
      Greg Natale凭借第一个项目Gonano公寓的设计,于2002年在澳大利亚的Belle杂志和英国的Wallpaper *杂志上发表。这个项目不仅赢得了的“2002年佳丽野生卡奖” 奖项,还给他带来了无数的顾客。
      Greg Natale, with the design of the first project Gonano, was published in the 2002 Belle magazine in Australia and the Wallpaper* magazine in the UK. This project not only won the "Best Wild Card Award 2002" award, but also brought him numerous customers.
      在2015年,Greg Natale被建筑文摘墨西哥命名为“世界上最具影响力的设计师”之一 ,并在2016年在北卡罗来纳州的高点市场被授予“ 2016年度国际年度奢侈设计师”。 在2015年Harper's Bazaar室内设计中,中东将Greg Natale称为“设计梦想家”。
      In 2015, Greg Natale was named "one of the world's most influential designers" by Architectural Abstracts Mexico and was awarded "2016 International Luxury Designer of the Year" in the high point market in North Carolina in 2016. In Harper's Bazaar interior design in 2015, the Middle East called Greg Natale a "design dreamer."
      Greg Natale的设计
      Greg Natale's design
      Focus on creating a layered sense of spatial color
      Blending materials with low luxury texture
      Good at creating space with geometrical composition and modern fashion
Jumping creative designs, colors and materials are low-key and charming.
      Greg Natale的风格是丰富,鲜艳的色彩,图案和纹理的混合, 精心策划和平衡,分层的空间和现代的触摸。
      Greg Natale's style is rich, with vivid colors, a mix of patterns and textures, well-planned and balanced, layered spaces and modern touches.
      几何美学大师Greg Natale热衷于大胆的色彩和图案,使用强大的分层美学来创建定制、复杂的空间, 定义Greg的独特风格。
      The master of geometric aesthetics, Greg Natale, is passionate about bold colors and patterns, using powerful layered aesthetics to create custom, complex spaces that define Greg's unique style.
      Greg Natale通过与几个知名品牌的成功合作,将他的愿景扩展到其他设计学科领域。他创办了地毯系列,包括Designer Rugs,Porter’s Paints的壁纸系列,三个家具系列:Worlds Away USA、Teranova的瓷砖和大理石马赛克,以及2016年推出的非常成功的垫子和软家具。
      Greg Natale has successfully extended his vision to other design disciplines through successful cooperation with several well-known brands. He founded the carpet series, including Designer Rugs, a series of wallpapers by Porter’s Paints, three furniture collections: Worlds Away USA, Teranova's tile and marble mosaics, and the highly successful cushions and soft furniture launched in 2016.









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