
Jordan Carlyle
文致中和  / 发表于 2018-3-26 11:01:45 |同行交流[开放]  / 大咖人物


      I amconstantly inspired by new things every day––from the people I am surrounded byto the streets of New York and I am able to incorporate them in my interiors。
--Jordan Carlyle

      Jordan Carlyle不光是设计师,更是纽约著名的现代艺术家,以他大胆,新鲜和创新的标志性风格在艺术界而闻名。他广阔的想象力,对自然的热爱,建筑和设计以及他独特的生活经验,为他迷人的艺术品创造了基础。
      Jordan Carlyle is not only a designer, but also a prominent contemporary New York artist, renowned for his art in the bold, fresh and innovative iconic style. His vast imagination, love of nature, architecture and design, as well as his unique life experience, have created the foundation for his fascinating artwork.
      Jordan Carlyl以他的非凡的想象力以及对美和自然的追求被世人所称赞。Carlyle的作品干净的线条,现代的视角,无可挑剔的造型和精致的材料,具有一种原始的诱惑力,带有强烈的优雅格调。
      Jordan Carlyl is praised by the world with his extraordinary imagination and his pursuit of beauty and nature. Carlyle's clean lines, modern perspectives, impeccable styling and exquisite materials have an original allure and intense elegance.
      His innovative and inspirational work attracts loyal followers of all the different types of collectors and admirers. Each of his works is deeply inspired by the travel and outdoor environment.
      At the age of 19, Carlyle left his home in Alabama, moved to Miami, and worked as a personal assistant to a successful entrepreneur. There, he developed interest in design, inspired by his boss, who often brought him to bid for artwork. Since then established a love of beautiful furniture, art and design.
      Carlyle is not only talented, but also handsome, a homosexual. At the age of 21, I moved to Los Angeles. His boyfriend was a well-known interior designer at the time, furthering his interest and curiosity in the art and design world.
      Carlyle's boyfriend also encouraged Carlylev to play his design talent, Carlyle finally decided to design school learning design. Carlyle moved to New York later and further met some experienced craftsmen, entrepreneurs, clients and friends to help him develop his career and become a real artist.
      Carlyle is an artist and designer who appreciates different styles. Regardless of what the artwork is or the design project, he always likes to inject a glamorous feeling into what he's doing. Into life indispensable charm!
      Jordan Carlyle在室内设计,艺术和建筑界享誉全球。不光Carlyle Design还创立了Carlyle Collective,为他出售他的定制作品。Carlyle设计家私,同时还为CB2制作了艺术品,设计壁纸等。
Jordan Carlyle has a worldwide reputation in interior design, art and architecture. Not only Carlyle Design also founded the Carlyle Collective, selling his customized works for him. Carlyle designed furniture, but also for the production of works of art CB2, design wallpaper.
      Delicate details and sharp colors combine unique design methods. Carlyle's design reproduces the classic elements of the modern environment. The interpretation of the texture is almost perfect match. It is a tribute to the complex concept of timeless eternity, and Carlyle's passion for understanding and nature is at the core of his design philosophy.









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