
1580 London
文致中和  / 发表于 2018-3-26 10:48:40 |同行交流[开放]  / 大咖人物

1508 London是一家伦敦的设计工作室,致力于创造出特殊的住宅和室内空间。他们的设计不是公式化或被风格所驱动,而是来源于慎重的准则。

      1508 London is a London design studio dedicated to creating exceptional homes and interior spaces. Their designs are not formulated or driven by style, but rather from prudent guidelines.
      工作室由首席执行官Stuart Horwood以及合作伙伴Hamish Brown和Louise Wicksteed共同领导。每个项目都将从战略思维的应用和高度结构化的框架中受益。喜欢把事情表达得淋漓尽致。他们创造了美丽的空间,相信细节,巧妙地将这些细节编织成一个设计的梦。
      The studio consists of CEO Stuart Horwood and partners Hamish Brown and Louise Wicksteed Common leadership. Each project will benefit from the application of strategic thinking and the highly structured framework. Like to express things vividly. They create beautiful spaces, trust details, and skillfully weave these details into a design dream.
      Stuart Horwood于1998年被任命为医学博士,2006年加入摩根士丹利投资公司,担任独立顾问。作为一名独立咨询顾问,斯图亚特已经主持了多家公司的工作,是一位经验丰富的董事级别的经营者,在推动伦敦的业务表现方面起着举足轻重的作用。
      Stuart Horwood was named MD in 1998 and joined Morgan Stanley Investments in 2006 as an independent consultant. As an independent consultant, Stuart has chaired several companies and is an experienced director-level operator, playing a pivotal role in driving London's business performance.
      Hamish Brown主要负责销售和市场营销,作为室内建筑专业毕业生,毕业后加入了Stonemartin PLC,一家专门从事建筑和经营最先进的房地产开发公司,负责管理苏格兰皇家银行,德意志银行和其他蓝筹公司。 随后联合创立了Hamish Benjamin,完成了伦敦黄金中心的大量住宅项目。后来Hamish加入了1508 Lodon的初级阶段,他对市场的内在理解意味着他是销售和市场营销总监的理想人选,不仅是伦敦新业务的开拓者,还是公司发展成为真正的国际品牌。
      Hamish Brown is primarily responsible for sales and marketing. As a Interior Architecture graduate, after graduation, Hamish Brown joined Stonemartin PLC, a Real Estate Development company that specializes in the construction and operation of state-of-the-art real estate development companies and manages Royal Bank of Scotland, Deutsche Bank and other blue chip companies. Subsequently, Hamish Benjamin was co-founded to complete a large number of residential projects in London's Gold Center. Later, Hamish joined the initial stage of 1508 Lodon, his internal understanding of the market means that he is the ideal person for sales and marketing director, not only is the pioneer of new business in London, or the company developed into a truly international brand.
      设计总监Louise Wicksteed自从室内设计与设计管理专业毕业后,一直专注于高端项目。从奢侈品开发商Candy&Candy开始她的职业生涯之后,她参与了许多高调的项目,其中最著名的是62米的Benetti游艇Candyscape II。
      Design Director Louise Wicksteed has been specializing in high-end projects since her graduation in Interior Design and Design Management. After her career as a luxury developer, Candy & Candy, she participated in many high-profile projects, most notably the 62-meter Benetti Candyscape II.
      Louise拥有超过10年的高端住宅和游艇设计经验,曾在许多国际私人和开发商的项目上工作过。在城市和乡村的房产方面拥有丰富的经验,她的作品多次在在Homes & Gardens, Boats International and Country Homes and Interiors.上发表。
      Louise has over 10 years of experience designing high-end homes and yachts and has worked on many international private and developer projects. She has extensive experience in urban and rural real estate, and her work has been published on Homes & Gardens, Boats International and Country Homes and Interiors.
      正面和负面的空间,明暗,单色或多彩,严肃或嬉戏。这些是创造设计的一些细微差别,1508 Lodon的工作保持从现实到情感的每一个元素的意识,并带来正确的比例,以创造一个被认可的设计。
      Positive and negative space, light and shade, monochrome or colorful, serious or playful. These are some nuances of creation design, 1508 Lodon's work keeps every element of consciousness from reality to emotion and brings the right proportions to create a recognized design.









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