
John Pawson
文致中和  / 发表于 2018-3-26 10:08:01 |同行交流[开放]  / 大咖人物

愈简约,愈能看出事物本身的本相。-John Pawson

      The more simple, the more you can see the truth of the thing itself. -John Pawson

      John Pawson是极简主义最具代表性的建筑大师。他的作品深受东方文化及禅风写意的影响,范围广泛,包括私人住宅,神圣委员会,画廊,博物馆,酒店,芭蕾舞团,游艇内饰和一座横跨湖泊的大桥。

      John Pawson is the most representative of minimalist architects. His work is influenced by the oriental culture and Zen style, with a wide range of private residences, sacred commissions, galleries, museums, hotels, ballet, yacht interiors and a bridge across the lake.

      John Pawson 1949年出生于英国的约克郡,父亲是英国前皇家海军,家族是经营纺织厂的。20多岁从学校毕业时,在父亲要求下进入家族纺织厂工作了几年,后来听从了内心自由灵魂的召唤,毅然决定前往东方旅行。

      John Pawson was born in 1949 in York, England, his father is the former British Royal Navy, the family is operating a textile mill. When I was 20 years old and graduated from school, I worked in a family textile mill for a few years at my father's request. Later, after listening to the summon of my inner soul, I decided to travel to the East.

      来到日本,John Pawson 的名古屋大学教了几年英文,之后便前往东京并向传奇设计大师仓俣史朗(Shiro Kuramata)学习并深受影响,倉俣史朗是日本20世纪最传奇的极简主义设计师之一。他的作品简单而不简陋,甚有艺术品的特征。

      Came to Japan, John Pawson of Nagoya University taught a few years English, then went to Tokyo and to the legendary master Shiro Kuramata learning and deeply affected, Kurashiki Shiro is Japan's most legendary 20th century minimalist design One of the division. His work is simple but not simple, and has the characteristics of artwork.

      John Pawson在仓俣史朗的工作室呆了几个月,虽然很受启发,但毕竟没有专业基础,于是仓俣史朗建议他去学习建筑。回国后John一直保持与仓俣史朗的联系,二人虽没有以师徒相称,但仓俣史朗可以说是John Pawson在设计上的启蒙老师。

      John Pawson spent months in the Studio Kurashira studio, though very inspired, but after all, no professional basis, so Kurashiki Shirang advised him to learn architecture. After returning home, John kept in touch with Kurashiki Shiro. Although they did not work as mentors or mentors, Kurashiki Shiro could be said to be John Pawson's enlightenment teacher.

      之后John Pawson在伦敦建筑学院(AA)取得建筑学位,1981年在伦敦开设工作室,设计风格深受东方禅风影响,开始了他极具影响力的极简主义建筑生涯。

      John Pawson then graduated with a degree in architecture from the School of Architecture London (AA), opened his studio in London in 1981 and was inspired by Oriental Zen and started his influential Minimalist architecture career.

      值得一提的是,John Pawson同时也是香港著名设计师 Andre Fu傅厚民的老师。Andre Fu英国剑桥大学后曾经到John的工作室工作过。John的极简风格也在很大程度上影响了亚洲的设计。

      It is worth mentioning that, John Pawson is also a well-known designer in Hong Kong Andre Fu Fu Min teacher. Andre Fu After working at John's studio in Cambridge, UK. John's minimalist style also has a significant impact on Asian design.

      所额通过眼睛看到的或者手所触及的东西,与空间哲学的本质相联系的感觉是John Pawson设计的一个重要理念。他的方法是在“一切都是建筑”的基础上,以完全相同的方式来处理建筑和设计。

      The amount of what is seen or touched by the eye, coupled with the nature of the philosophy of space, is an important philosophy designed by John Pawson. His approach is to deal with architecture and design in exactly the same fashion, building on everything.


      John also has a very high quest for an architectural atmosphere, whether it be a monastery, a house, a pan or a ballet. Everything goes back to the same quality, space, material, proportions, forms, geometry, repetition, light and ritual Series of concerns. The process of achieving minimalism is extremely difficult and complicated, and John gives it a rich connotation while giving minimalist form to the building, which is where his architectural secrets lie.









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