When a pavilion stands in front of you
it is no longer just a pavilion
but the appearance of countless homes are presented
展馆在茶褐色环绕式曲面与灯带光线的穿插设计中搭构而立,多层次的穿插组合将出入口隐藏,使得整体建筑从外立面看整体完整且独特精致。 The exhibition hall is constructed in the interspersed design of the tan encircled curved surface and the light with lights. The multi-level interspersed combination hides the entrances and exits, making the whole building complete and unique and exquisite from the facade.
木门与墙板,作为家中不可或缺的产品,设计师以最自然的方式在展馆中立体呈现其观感及使用感。展馆以家为主题进行设计,由四个空间组构而成,以拥有最大人流量的客厅空间为主,延伸至厨房、卧室、衣橱间等家中基础场所。 Wooden doors and wall panels, as indispensable products in the home, the designer in the most natural way in the pavilion three-dimensional presentation of their look and use. The pavilion is designed with the theme of home, and is composed of four Spaces, mainly in the living room with the largest flow of people, extending to the kitchen, bedroom, closet and other basic places in the home.
空间架构上,设计师多以整墙木柜代替隔断,多线条灯带点亮格与格之间的距离,层层分明。从狭窄通道过渡至宽阔客厅,规整满墙的木面柜橱与宽敞沙发座椅形成鲜明对比,视觉上极具冲击力。In terms of space architecture, designers mostly replace partitions with wooden cabinets on the whole wall, and multi-line lights light up the distance between the grids, with distinct layers. Transitioning from the narrow passageway to the spacious living room, the well-structured wall-to-wall wood-faced cabinets contrast with the spacious sofa seats and are visually striking.
作为占地最多的主空间,客厅内部主结构依旧遵循外立面造型,以圆衬圆,以弧衬弧。 As the main space occupying the largest area, the main structure of the living room still follows the facade shape, with circles lining circles and arcs lining arcs.
设计师以梦天木作产品精心打造家的模样,通过不同造型的曲面、平直面等将品牌产品的韧性与可塑性一望而知。 Designers with the dream wood products carefully create the appearance of home, through different shapes of the curved surface, flat face and other brand products toughness and plasticity.
品牌产品并无刻意做多余装饰,均以光滑平面呈现,干净利落的整体造型为空间打造更高端大气的场景体验。 Brand products do not deliberately do redundant decoration, are presented in a smooth plane, clean and crisp overall shape for the space to create a more high-end atmosphere scene experience.
| 平面布置 Plane layout