这个项目位于四川省宜宾市长江大桥附近。客户是一对夫妻,喜欢简单干净的生活调性。经过朋友介绍,找到我们事务所为其设计,在充分了解客户需求和生活方式后,设计的效果客户十分满意。 时光清浅,温柔了岁月,掬一抹清风伴着晚霞,浅笺素语,忽而已秋
取/舍 Leave & Sav 入口处将两侧墙体打通,通透视线的同时也让空气更好地流动,悬挑的柜子上,一个像山一样的装饰物摆件,开门见山。是藏,亦是更好的现 At the entrance, the walls on both sides will be opened to let the air flow better while giving a clear view. On the cantilevered cabinet, there is a mountain of decorative ornaments, which is straight to the point.
「 Living room 客厅空间中心的摆件将视线聚焦,画面徐徐展开,弧形的沙发背景墙,柔化了坚硬的线条,温柔了空间。 The ornaments in the center of the space focus on the vision and the picture unfolds slowly. The arc-shaped sofa background wall softens the hard lines and softens the space.
餐桌旁,五彩缤纷的挂画,是人生的酸甜苦辣,是生活的柴米油盐。 At the table, colorful paintings are the sweets, bitters and bitters of life and the daily necessities of life.
The pure space, the snow white TV background wall and the porch seem to be a whole and slightly separated, extending the line of sight and extending the space.
「 Dining room 餐厅
厨房台面与墙面采用硬碰工艺,没有多余的线条,大面积的纯色色块,将空间无限放大,描绘出安静、舒适与烟火气并存的生活格调 The kitchen countertop and wall are hard touched, without redundant lines. The large area of solid color blocks enlarges the space infinitely, and depicts a quiet, comfortable and pyrotechnic lifestyle
「 bedroom 卧室
光影婆娑,一室温柔 The light and shadow are whirling, and the room is gentle.
极简留白的空间带着建筑的理性,是深邃的蓝,是纯粹的白,是温润的木Minimal blank space with architectural rationality, warm wooden materials
「 cloakroom 衣帽间
玻璃柜门和木柜门结合,虚实间讲述着光影的故事,爱马仕丝巾作为视觉焦点,高级而不失优雅 The glass cabinet door and the wooden cabinet door are combined. The story of light and shadow is told between the virtual and the real. As the visual focus, Hermes scarves are advanced but elegant