沈墨曾获安德马丁室内设计奖,香港40 under 40、英国Dezeen Awards、巴黎DNA设计奖、法国NDA金奖、美国MUSE铂金奖、美国IDA金奖、意大利ADESIGN奖、美国MUSE奖金奖、台湾六艺奖金奖,台湾金点奖,筑巢奖金奖,亚太空间新锐设计师等众多奖项。曾设计游学法国,意大利,瑞士,美国,日本等国家。参加浙江卫视《全能宅急变》东方卫视《一席之地》节目空间改造。主要建设项目在国内和泰国等多个民宿别墅酒店和会所办公空间设计。设计作品先后被荷兰、美国、韩国、英国、法国、意大利等全球各大媒体以及发布以及杂志出版社刊登收录。
澳门岛,毗邻广东省,与香港相距60公里。这里留下了大量的历史文化遗迹,年轻时尚的西方生活与几百年的东方文化相碰撞,使得澳门成为一个风貌独特的城市,充满着活力。 Macau island, adjacent to Guangdong province, is 60 kilometers away from Hong Kong. A large number of historical and cultural relics are left here. The collision of young and fashionable Western life with hundreds of years of Eastern culture makes Macao a city with unique features and full of vitality.
TIFFANY HOUSE住宅项目位于澳门金莲花广场,周边即是著名的澳门理工大学。这一次设计师沈墨再次受到向太的邀请,参与了售楼处与样板房的设计。 The TIFFANY HOUSE residential project is located in The Golden Lotus Plaza of Macau, adjacent to the famous Macao Polytechnic University. This time the designer Shen Mo was invited to too again, participated in the sales office and model house design.
“ ——Fashion and modern atmosphere to create a new way of life时尚与现代气息 打造全新生活方式
设计师从旅行与探险中获取灵感,提取出船舱、海滩、落日等元素,希望在售楼处以及样板房的设计中打造出一种令人向往的生活方式。 Taking inspiration from travel and adventure, the designers extracted elements such as cabins, beaches and sunsets to create a desirable lifestyle in the sales office and model home.
进入售楼处,呈现在视觉中心的是白色异形沙盘底座,仿佛两艘游轮在海面上行驶。圆顶造型与大理石,如大海与天空相呼应。 Entering the sales office, the white shaped sand table base appears in the visual center, as if two cruise ships were running on the sea. The dome shapes echo the marble, such as the sea and the sky.
售楼处围绕着木质造型体块展开动线,分为展示区、咨询区、VIP区、接待区、后勤服务区,全方位融入了游轮度假的生活方式,空间传递着游轮航行大海的丰富与灵动。 The sales office is divided into exhibition area, consultation area, VIP area, reception area and logistics service area around the wooden modeling block. It integrates the lifestyle of cruise vacation in an all-round way and conveys the richness and flexibility of cruise sailing in the sea.
嵌入式长灯带引导着访客的动线,又如一道光线般进入船舱中,仪式感十足。立体隔断墙让客户在谈话时变得更加独立,不被外界环境打扰。 Embedded long light belt guides the visitor's moving line, and like a ray of light into the cabin, full of ceremonial sense. Three-dimensional partition wall allows customers to become more independent when talking and not be disturbed by the outside environment.
选用金属材质作为整面墙的背景,光泽感为空间增添了如海面般波光粼粼般的视觉体验。金属与大理石的材质、颜色碰撞,为空间带来极大的张力。 The metal material is chosen as the background of the whole wall, and the luster adds a visual experience of shimmering like the sea to the space. Metal and marble material, color collision, for the space to bring great tension.
舒适的沙发,精致的酒吧台,局部点缀艺术品,以流畅的衔接,让访客在售楼处从步入空间到离开,每一处都是豪华游轮的派对体验。 Comfortable sofa, exquisite bar, local embellishment of art, with smooth connection, so that visitors in the sales office from entering the space to leave, each place is a luxury cruise ship party experience.
设计师从旅行的生活出发,将不同的生活方式融入五个样板房的设计中,如魔方般置入多彩的姿态,以此来达到舒适轻松的的居住氛围。 Starting from the life of travel, the designer integrates different lifestyles into the design of the five model houses, like a Rubik's cube into colorful posture, so as to achieve a comfortable and relaxed living atmosphere.
A户型 奢华精致 / Exquisite
通过分析户型图,将每个户型进行了多重分析与规划,在空间内增添了卧室、储藏空间、壁炉、餐厅等功能区,满足了当代人多样化的生活节奏。 By analyzing the layout of each house, multiple analysis and planning were carried out for each house, and functional areas such as bedroom, storage space, fireplace and dining room were added in the space to meet the diverse pace of life of contemporary people.
使用沉稳的木色搭配灰色大理石,沙发上的牛皮饰面让空间呈现出意式奢华之感。不同的材质碰撞,让空间变得尤为精致。 Using a calm wood color with grey marble, the cowhide finish on the sofa gives the space a sense of Italian luxury. The collision of different materials makes the space particularly delicate.
C户型时尚艺术 / Morden
C户型呈现出小巧而精致的状态,为了增加空间利用率与实用性,设计师让客厅与餐厅连通,增加了一个卧室空间。在空间的每一处都可以看到设计师的巧思,装饰性艺术画让色彩跳脱出框架,充满活力。 House C presents a cabinet and delicate state, to increase space utilization rate and practical, stylist lets sitting room and dining-room are connected, increased a bedroom space. In every place of the space can see stylist opportunely think, adornment sex art picture lets colour jump out of frame, be full of vigor.
玄关入口一侧隔出收纳空间可以放置艺术品。电视机嵌入与卧室相连的墙体中,使用磨砂玻璃移门相隔,保护了室内的隐私性。 One side of porch entrance lies between receive a space to be able to place artwork. The TV is embedded in a wall connected to the bedroom, separated by a frosted glass sliding door that provides privacy.
D户型温馨舒适 / Warm
粗犷的大理石纹理与光滑的木饰面形成强烈对比,玄关柜开辟出一片可以换鞋的区域,巧妙利用空间功能。 Rough marble grain and smooth wood face form intense contrast, porch ark opens up the area that gives a shoe to be able to change, clever use dimensional function.
餐厅异形的镜面延长纵向空间,线形嵌入式磁吸轨道灯兼具美观与功能性。隐形门与电视背景融为一体,空间变得纯粹自然。 The mirror of the special-shaped dining room extends the longitudinal space, and the linear embedded magnetic absorption track lamp is both beautiful and functional. Invisible door and TV background integration, the space becomes pure and natural.
卧室内构造出的圆弧柜体,让收纳物品的同时增加了空间层次感,柠檬黄的配色点亮整个空间氛围,装点活力与动感,温馨简约。 The circular arc cabinet that the structure gives inside the bedroom, let receive article increased dimensional administrative levels feeling at the same time, lemon yellow match color lights whole dimensional atmosphere, deck vitality and move feeling, sweet and contracted.
G户型极致简约 / Minimalist
G户型为纵向结构,设计师将沙发墙面造型与卧室柜体连为一体,让每个功能区互相产生联系,形成流畅的线条感。 House G is longitudinal structure, stylist will sofa metope modelling and bedroom cabinet body are connected as an organic whole, let each function area produce connection each other, form fluent line feeling.
墙体蓝色方块使用克莱茵蓝色彩增加了艺术气息,与纯白色沙发对应。开放式厨房与嵌入式冰箱相连,节省了空间,又让整个空间趋于简洁,剔除多余的线条。 Wall body blue square piece uses clyine blue colour to increase artistic breath, correspondence with pure white sofa. Open mode kitchen and embedded refrigerator are linked together, saved a space, let whole space tend concise again, eliminate redundant line.
卧室采用雾化玻璃在增加采光的同时也保证了房间的私密性。 The bedroom uses atomized glass to increase daylighting while also ensuring the illicit close sex of the room.
I户型低调典雅 / Elegance
I户型温柔雅致,以素色为基调,嵌入背景墙内的异形雕塑,整个空间奠定了艺术感的生活基调。 House I is gentle and elegant, with plain color as the basic tone. The special-shaped sculpture embedded in the background wall sets the artistic life tone for the whole space.
主卧室内设计了开放式衣帽间,空间尽量敞开,活动自由。金属的线性材料让空间充满典雅与奢华感。 Master bedroom designed open cloakroom, the space as far as possible open, free activity. Metallic linear materials make the space full of elegance and luxury.
SALES OFFICE”层叠交错的珠宝盒“
这幢名为蒂凡尼豪舍的建筑造型如珠宝盒般层叠交错,在城市最繁华处演绎了一场极尽现代浪漫主义的场景。玻璃通透如宝石般熠熠生辉,为澳门这个城市添加了许多魅力。 The overall building is designed by designer ARQ. The appearance is very fashionable and modern. The glass curtain wall makes the whole building stand like a pearl in the Macau Special Administrative Region.The building, called the China Star Tower, is stacked like a jewel box, creating a modern romantic scene in the heart of the city. The transparent glass shines like a gem, adding a lot of charm to Macao.
整个住宅项目邀请了全球知名的设计师共同打造,由Bernardo Fort-Brescia设计的建筑,Adrian L. Norman设计的花园景观,Karsten Ehling设计的灯光效果,张叔平设计的会所空间。一个梦想中的家园展现在我们眼前,每一处细节都彰显着不凡的品味与多样化的生活方式。 The house was designed by Bernardo Fort-Brescia for the building, Adrian L. Norman for the garden landscape, Karsten Ehling for the lighting effects, and William Cheung for the clubhouse space. A dream home unfolds in front of us, with every detail showing extraordinary taste and diversified lifestyle.
设计单位 | 杭州时上建筑空间设计事务所
设计内容 | 售楼处、样板房空间设计(ACDGI)
设计团队 | 沈墨、陶建浦、张浥尘
项目规模 | 1200 ㎡
项目摄影 | 戚朔迁
灯光团队 | 杭州乐翰照明设计工程有限公司
智能团队 | 杭州尚勤智能科技有限公司
软装设计 | 悦+Deco house邓雯倩王纾怡
项目地址 | 澳门
完工时间 | 2022/4
施工单位 | 澳门友联建筑工程有限公司