我用刀具,慢慢削去其糟粕,留下皆是精华。每一刀下去都伴随着心痛,正如塑造自己,过程总是痛苦的,但是这一种感觉却会随着岁月越加上瘾。 I use tools to cut away the dross slowly, leaving behind the essence. Every knife goes along with heartache, just as the process of molding oneself is always painful, but this feeling will become addicted with the years.
我们周围有光也有颜色,但是我们自己眼里如果没有光和颜色,也就看不到外面的光和颜色了。 There is light and color around us, but if there is no light and color in our own eyes, we can't see the light and color outside.
-02- 大自然的每一个领域,都是美妙绝伦的。自然之美,在于生机无限,在于每一个鲜活的生命。 Every field of nature is wonderful. The beauty of nature lies in the infinite vitality and every fresh life.
-03- 世界上,没有挤不出的时间,只有不想赴的约,每个选择,其实都是内心所向。 In the world, there is no time you can't squeeze out, only appointments you don't want to go. In fact, every choice is what your heart wants.
红尘过往,路途迢迢,清风明月也好,烟雨迷蒙也罢,请给心灵留一个干净的角落。品一杯茶,读一卷书,不问尘世风霜,不想人情冷暖,浮华三千,只做自己;红尘纷扰,我自安然…… The world of mortals has a long way to go. Whether it's clear wind, bright moon or misty rain, please leave a clean corner for your heart. Taste a cup of tea, read a book, don't ask about the weather on earth, don't want to be warm and cold, flashy, just be yourself; The world of mortals is troubled, I am safe
丨 平面方案 Plane scheme丨
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