项目地址/郑州普罗理想国 空间性质/别墅
室内面积|540㎡ 主案设计师|任杰 项目设计/美成空间设计
住宅旨在成为居住者的一种情感表达,不同的空间将家人们在生活细碎之中逐渐累积起来的共性巧妙连接,又在彼此独立的个性之间柔缓过渡。采用恰当的装饰和设计策略来协调硬朗与柔和、严肃与俏皮、不朽性与居家感之间的关系。 Residence aims to become an emotional expression for residents, with different spaces cleverly connecting the commonalities that gradually accumulate among the finer details of life, while also transitioning gently between independent personalities. Adopting appropriate decoration and design strategies to coordinate the relationship between hardness and softness, seriousness and playfulness, immortality and homelines
The concept of darkness is mainly monochromatic, with subtle tonal gameplay and strict geometric shapes and styles reflected in every detail.A strong and unique sense of sophistication requires more precise control over details and overall performance than conventional spaces. Designers fully value the functionality of the space and try to facilitate people to complete all necessary life processes as much as possible.
A strong and unique sense of sophistication requires more precise control over details and overall performance than conventional spaces. Designers fully value the functionality of the space and try to facilitate people to complete all necessary life processes as much as possible. The dark tone of the restaurant space deliberately creates a quiet and comfortable natural warm light atmosphere, making people feel more relaxed. The combination of multiple materials makes the entire space look more diverse, dynamic, and dynamic, breaking the solidity of heavy tone spaces. Black never represents dullness and boredom, but rather represents a pure and resolute attitude towards life. The black space always has the ability to help families who have returned from different life states or emotions find their own place of return.
毕业于郑州轻工业学院 中国建筑装饰协会高级室内设计师 亚太室内设计高级设计师 高级软装室内设计师 中国室内设计师沙龙会员 APDC国际设计交流中心认证会员 |