赵小姐的糖果屋 地址|Address : 绿城紫薇园
面积|Area :199㎡ 设计|Design : 淄博八零原创设计 施工|Road Work : 八零匠心工程 软装|Soft Outfit : 花花HOME软装
自然 优雅 童趣
In such a fast-paced modern life, our designers should create a spiritual home for people through design and comfort the hard and fragile glass heart of contemporary people. Based on this principle, I adopted a large number of wood colors in the design elements of this case. Warm, comfortable and natural. Only nature can comfort the soul.
玄 关 是 转 换 心 情 的 场 所。
The Entrance is a place to change your mood.
没有华丽的伪装,只有静谧的优雅。 There is no gorgeous disguise, only quiet elegance.
落日余晖、树影婆娑, 美、不可言喻。
The setting sun was shining and the trees were dancing.Beauty is unspeakable.
Living room-
有人爱、有事做、有所期待,生活如糖 甜而不腻。
Some people love to do something and have expectations. Life is sweet but not greasy.
Master bedroom-
一针一线 柔软 安眠
A single needle or a piece of thread. Soft Sleep peacefully.
大地色铺垫的环境 让人的心灵沉淀 ;暮色中 温柔地对枕边的爱人说一声 :晚安。
The earth colored environment makes people's hearts precipitate. Gently say good night to the lover beside the pillow.