设计师:Yana Prydalna
Yana Prydalna来自美国,是一位侘寂信徒,童年时期就开始接触日本文化,渴望拥有一个平静舒适的空间,拥有自然的色调,营造出冥想的氛围,有助于创造经久不衰的设计。她通过融合东方极简与西方美学设计元素创造了属于自己风格的侘寂(Wabi Sabi)美学。 Yana Prydalna from the United States, is a - ji believers, childhood started contact with Japanese culture, eager to have a quiet and comfortable space, with natural color, build the atmosphere that gives meditation, help to create enduring design,She through the integration of Oriental minimalism and western aesthetics design elements created his own style of wabi-sabi (Wabi Sabi) aesthetics.
01. BUTTERFLY HOUSE 质朴自然的隐奢美学
Yana Prydalna将作品命名为“蝴蝶之屋”,既透着山间清冽的惬意,还有对浪漫的重新定义与诉求,个性化定制的灯饰与陈设,独特而古朴的家具,都在诠释对隐逸生活的追求。 Yana Prydalna work named "butterfly house", both with the mountains cool comfortable, and redefine and appeal of romance, personalization of lamp act the role ofing and furnishing, unique and the furniture of of primitive simplicity, is about the pursuit of living.
02. Golden Villa 质朴静雅的心灵居所
别墅坐落在旧金山,加利福尼亚。我注意到所有我最喜欢的对象是在这个城市,企图通过设计,找到城市的印记,这个对象是浅色(抛光混凝土、装饰石膏)。轻柔的纺织品——创建一个轻盈的感觉,这种风格的成熟。木头和柳条灯仍然是第一位的。The villa is located in San Francisco, California.I noticed that all my favorite objects are in this city.This object is made in light colors (polished concrete, decorative plaster).Lightweight textiles - to create a feeling of lightness and sophistication in this style.Wood and wicker lamps still come first.
03. Quiet Space House 享受世外桃源般的惬意
项目位于加利福尼亚州的太浩湖,在森林湖畔建设了这个小屋。为两口子周末度假而设计。业主的诉求是寻找自然而清净的居所,在工作之余享受世外桃源的惬意,享受星空小门廊以及加州的夏夜。天然材料的运用自然成了房屋的首选。 Project is located in lake tahoe, California in lake forest construction of the cabin. Designed for the couple weekend holiday. The owner of the appeal is to look for natural and clean home, enjoy the summer night sky small porch and California. The use of natural materials naturally became home of choice。
房屋设计初衷就是离开所有的现代化产品,享受归隐生活:听鸟儿唱歌,看森林居民的大全景窗户,触摸和感知木材的纹理。除了一个大储物柜,其他的柜体均为开放设计。有一个冰箱和足够的空间用于储存生活必需品。 Housing is designed to leave all of modern products, enjoy retirement: listen to the birds singing, see big forest dwellers panoramic Windows, touch and perception of wood texture. In addition to a big store content ark, cabinet put oneself in another's position of other are open design. There is a refrigerator and enough space for storing the necessaries of life.