01 丰居
空间的轮廓从三口之家的生活开始,我们保留开放空间的最大化,同时在场域的延伸关系中找到各自的专属生活场景。 The contour of the space starts fromthecouple’s life. We maximize the open space and at the same time findtheirindividual life scene in the extension of the fields.
在公共区域中我们配置了十字轴线的机能,中厨延伸至西厨餐厅、客厅延伸至书房的架构下,产生的多元包容的生活架构,在交迭机能之中强调自由的生活体验。 In the public area, we arrange thefunctionsalong the cross-shaped axis, from the Chinese kitchen to the westerndiningroom, from the living room to the study room, to create the diverse andtolerantlife framework. The free life experience is emphasized in theoverlappingfunctions.
延伸空间中,主卧室延伸男主人的起居视听空间,餐厅延伸至女主人的琴房让各自的生活能兼容,并且互相不打扰为设计上的生活轴线。 In the extension of the space, themasterbedroom is extended to the male owner’s audio visual space. The diningroom isextended to the female owner’s piano room. In this way, the individuallife canbe integrated together without interrupting each other in the life axisof thedesign.
空间中我们置入了富有工艺感的结构造型,弱化原有结构大梁的存在、立面材质的转化、及中岛的机能层次之中,我们以漂浮轻量感受的灯具设计延伸至书柜背景墙之中,强化空间光源延续语汇,同时成为视觉的焦点。 In the space, we place a structuralstylerich in a sense of workmanship to weaken the existence of the structuralbeam,the transformation of the façade material, and the function layer oftheisland. The lightweight floating lamp design is extended to the background wallofthe bookcase to highlight the space light source, extend the lexicon, and atthesame time become the visual focus.
我们希望在真实生活中创造没有边界的体验感,透过和谐的工艺表现来达到居住者追求的居住空间。 We hope to create the borderless experienceinthe real life and achieve the desired living space of the dwellers throughtheharmonious workmanship.
作品名称:丰居 设计单位:近境制作远域生活 设计实验所 项目地点:台北 |