设计团队 逅界设计/王豪杰&黄同书 版权属于设计师
—— “最好的生活是忙而不盲、不浮、不燥、不偏、不倚” MEI JI FILE 逅界设计/花开两朵,各表一枝 中国 . 温州 TRANQUILITY / WARMTH / MINIMALIST AESTHETICS / CHINA
“有两种表现事物的方式,一种是未经提炼地展示它们,另一种是通过艺术召唤它们。” “There are two ways to show things, one is to show them unrefined, and the other is to summon them through art.” ——马蒂斯(Mattis)
花开两朵,各表一枝 呼吸 对立 彼此
由于客户之前生活于原初的充满爱的环境,他们想在这座城市中创建一个安静的、有温度的新家,把他们从城市生活的压力和喧嚣中分离出来。为了创造一个经得起时间考验的室内空间,设计师敏锐感知业主对于家的期望,选择了合适的产品和细节,最后将其完美地带入进来。 Since the client had lived in the original loving environment, they wanted to create a quiet, warm new home in the city, separating them from the pressures and hustle of city life. In order to create an interior space that can stand the test of time, the designer, keenly aware of the owner's expectations of the home, chose the right products and details, and finally brought them in perfectly.
在该阶段我们不断探索可以连接空间关系的一条线,这条线是动态的,可上下弯曲对立,可连接有形以及无形之物,最后汇于一体。 At this stage we are constantly exploring a line that connects spatial relationships, a dynamic line that can bend up and down in opposition, connect tangible and intangible things, and finally merge into one.
// 曲直 直线属于人类,曲线属于上帝! Straight lines belong to man, curves belong to God! ——高迪(Gaudi)
入眼两侧充斥着不同角度的弧形与直角,是对立、也是非对称的无序。在结构感的空间中也少不了代表美感的曲线,谦虚柔和,这也是业主与设计师之间达成的共识态度。 The two sides of the eye are full of different angles of Arc and right angle, is opposite, is also asymmetrical disorder. In the sense of the structure of the space on behalf of the aesthetic curve, modest and gentle, which is also the consensus between the owners and designers.
// 生活与艺术 本案的女业主是上得艺术之堂,下得生活厨房之人,重视生活细节品质,艺术素养高,审美独特。她认为真正的生活不需要特意去寻,也不需要任何人为的雕刻修饰。人在其中,生活便在其中,不刻意,无需表达,即是润物细无声。同时,此次双方的合作也是她重拾艺术感觉的一段旅途。从每一件软装的讨论,到材质细节的把控,以及自己作画手工的参与。这种原感的、质朴的、呼吸的,或许就是生活美好与幸福感的本源。也是我们团队对理想生活创想与实现的再一次问答。 The female owner of this case is a person who enjoys art and living in the kitchen. She attaches great importance to the quality of life details, high artistic quality and unique aesthetic appreciation. She thought that the real life does not need to seek specially, also does not need any artificial carving embellishment. People in which, life will be in which, not deliberately, without expression, that is, moisten things quietly. At the same time, the cooperation between the two sides is also a journey to regain her artistic sense. From the discussion of every piece of upholstery, to the control of material details, to the participation of one's own hand painting. The RAW, earthy, aspirational, may be the source of the good and the happy in life. Also is our team to ideal life to create and realize once again the question and answer.
//光暗 一个好的空间是流动的,与时间的交互可以模糊物理边界,忽视形体色泽质感这些维度所带来的繁杂,使得一屋两人三餐四季都让人满怀期待。而时间带来最大的变化就是光暗的转化— —昼时自然之光与帘子的相互追逐,你进我退,夜时一盏昏灯、一杯青酒、一本书,便是时间最好的祝福。 A good space is fluid, the interaction with time can be a physical boundary, ignore the color texture of these dimensions of complexity, make a room of two people three meals four seasons are full of expectations. And the biggest change that time brings is the transformation of light and dark--Day and the curtain of natural light chasing each other, you enter me back, night when a dim light, a glass of wine, a book, is the best blessing of time. 设计的美感与深邃在于空,容纳着尔我。于安静、朴质的空间感受生活、感受幸福,这就是设计的真正意义。 The beauty and profoundness of design lies in the emptiness, which contains me. In the quiet, simple space to feel the sun, feel happy, this is the true meaning of design.
-Project Name | 项目地点 - 浙江 . 温州 - Design Team | 设计机构 - 逅界空间设计 - Area | 项目面积 - 123 ㎡ - Project time | 项目时间 - 2020年 - Supply unit | 合作单位- 新网美学家居
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王豪杰 / 黄同书 逅界空间设计 设计创始人 / 设计总监 逅界空间设计致力于建筑及室内空间独特视角的设计与研究,为每一个项目打造创新的视觉艺术。团队一直以来提倡设计施工分流管理,拥有一只优秀的青年设计团队,不断突破自我,站在国际视野上,以探究性的态度来实践空间创作过程中人与物、人与人的关系。 Encounter space design is dedicated to the architectural and interior space from a unique perspective of design and research, for each project to create innovative visual arts. The team has been advocating the design and construction management, has an excellent young design team, constantly break through the self, stand on the international horizon, to explore the attitude to practice the space creation process of people and things, people and people. 公司成立以来,我们信奉少即是精的理念,坚持定制化设计,完成了商业,住宅,展厅等一系列极致空间作品,获得了业界与客户的一致赞赏。 Since the establishment of the company, we believe in less is the essence of the concept, adhere to customized design, completed a series of commercial, residential, Exhibition Hall and other Extreme Space Works, won the industry and customers praise. |