项目名称:隐归 项目类型:硬装设计,软装宅配 项目地点:九龙仓雍景山 项目面积:185㎡ 户型:三室两厅 设计机构:菲拉设计
# 隐归 #
“隐居黔灵听松涛,镜明湖畔伴鹤呜 南来北客不忍归,只因云贵云雾深”
本案居住者是美学造诣颇深的中国美院雕塑系教授; 希望家呈现的是古朴调性的侘寂风,事物与时间的关系在这个空间里与居住者对话; 灵魂自由,不受拘束,打造一个更趋于民宿式的美学空间。
Living room \ 客厅
Home for the owner, not thin 100 square residence, it is a soul, not one-sided for comfort, for aesthetics, more inclined to a soul dialectical expression, not limited, is inclusive, open, and extremely self, with a strong occupant attributes.
In the roof as beams, stairs as columns, architectural art interspersed with the form of the structure of the old wood placed in the meantime, to meet the owners home space to have the use of old wood requirements.
As a teacher in the Department of Sculpture, it is normal to do handwork and I will work at home. A long handwork table is placed in the living room with abundant space. The wall behind me is used as a shelf for the exhibition area.
Restaurant&Kitchen\ 餐厨区
The occupants want the public space to be as open as possible in the pattern, with more connectivity between Spaces, so the guest restaurant on the first floor has no clear limits, but presents a relatively independent center in each area in the form of a block, and the kitchen is naturally open.
由线呈面,结构交错优化空间层次。 The structure is staggered by lines and planes to optimize the spatial hierarchy.
The natural texture of woodiness, itself contains humanistic attribute. Present home atmosphere -- quiet, simple.
Corridor \ 走廊
Stair is the necessary element of throughout the whole bedroom, interlayer, break is just the traditional impression of vertical transport components, channel value is not constrained by stair itself, or can be a form the concept of art gallery, we hope to walk is not in a hurry, back and forth but each can be stopped at home, appreciate the quiet.
The stair handrail is made of transparent glass. The first floor is interwoven with the elements of old wood and the shape. The second floor is presented by the combination of two materials to avoid the problems of narrow stair and rigid pattern.
Master bedroom \ 主卧
The occupants are required to have a clear moving area in the home. The moving area is planned on the first floor and the second floor is a sleeping area.
Reorganize the space structure, the cabinet is pushed into the wall, the wall extends the curved surface to connect to the wardrobe, the space is smooth and clean.
The bedroom is mainly warm color, and the yellow art paint is used to create the effect of the earth wall of the old house. There is no redundant decoration, and the pure sleeping space is returned.
Second bedroom \ 次卧
Toilet \ 卫生间
House type&Plane design \ 原始结构&平面设计图
first floor
second floor
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