▼住宅外观,exterior view © Itay Benit
The House features spectacular architecture through balanced touches of concrete, wood, black and white which seamlessly lace from the exterior to the interior of the house in all their glory. From the outside, the building looks like a singular house, but the inside tells a different story: two brothers, two separate programs and two houses living side by side, with a common wall separating them, which is in fact the only architectural element they have in common.
▼平面图,plan © Raz Melamed Architect
A住宅 | House A 位于场地右侧的是“A住宅”,混凝土楼梯通向一道黑色的门,后者延伸至整个建筑的高度,与旁边白色的格子墙面形成鲜明对比,从而构成一个戏剧化的入口。入口轴线一路通向住宅后方的窗口,通过重复大门的几何元素来强调出空间的纵向高度。 The house on the right from the street is “House A”, in which concrete stairs lead to the black door, which stretches to the entire height of the building, standing out in contrast to the white grid and produces a dramatic entrance. The entrance axis leads all the way to a window that also stretches lengthwise and produces a repetition of the door shapes, which intensifies the height of the structure.
▼A住宅入口立面,House A entrance facade © Itay Benit
▼黑色大门延伸至整个建筑的高度 © Itay Benit
the black door stretches to the entire height of the building
具有强烈几何感的钢制喷泉成为了房屋外部最为引人瞩目的元素:它就像是一道突入花园的巨大白墙,将建筑的边界延长至户外。花园中遍布着植被和锡制花槽,可以透过四周的独立玻璃墙来尽情观赏。 Outside of the house is a steel fountain that displays powerful geometry, and fills the pool as an architectural marvel, as it looks at all like a white wall bursting into the garden, stretching its boundaries to the outdoors. The surrounding garden is filled with vegetation and tin planters, a marvel that is visible through the free-standing glass surrounding the garden without connections.
▼户外空间,outdoor space © Itay Benit
▼钢制喷泉像是一道突入花园的巨大白墙,a steel fountain fills the pool as an architectural marvel © Itay Benit
▼喷泉和泳池细节,fountain and pool details © Itay Benit
在房屋内部,设计者试图通过移除证明和转角处的垂直结构柱来创造干净的玻璃外观。余下的几根柱子支撑着二层楼面,同时也有助于实现透明而连续的建筑立面。同时,这些柱子并不与黑色横梁相连,从而维护了水平直线元素在整个结构中的独立性和设计感。 Inside the house Melamed sought to create a clean glass look by moving the vertical construction pillars away from the fronts and corners so that they hold the second floor on the one hand and contribute to a transparent and continuous façade on the other. At the same time, these columns do not connect to the black beams, forming a constructive and intentionally designed horizontal line throughout the structure. ▼透明而连续的建筑立面,the transparent and continuous façade © Itay Benit
▼客厅,living room © Itay Benit
▼通高空间,the double-height space © Itay Benit ▼二层空间,the second floor © Itay Benit
▼卧室,bedroom © Itay Benit
▼从二层望向泳池,view towards the pool from the upper floor © Itay Benit
相比于入口处采用的灰色天然石材地板,内部空间主要铺设以镶木地板(两套房子均采用了这种设计)。厨房位于建筑右侧,设有高大的橱柜,并将一个木制的立方体台面容纳在内。独立的厨房岛拥有石砌的表面,仿佛从地面生长出来。 The entrance features gray natural stone flooring, while in the rooms it is replaced by parquet, a design used in both houses. To the right is the graphite kitchen, designed in both homes with tall cabinets with a wooden cube for the work area in front of a free-standing island whose stone surface seems to grow from the floor, designed for comfortable seating and efficient work. ▼厨房,kitchen © Itay Benit
▼从泳池平台望向餐厨空间 © Itay Benit
view to the dining area from the pool terrace B住宅 | House B B住宅位于场地左侧,是一个有着四层楼的奢华居所。住宅的入口是一道精致的木门,这一元素在房子的三个立面以不同的形状重复出现,并在房子后方起到了隐藏两套住宅的接缝线的作用。这一木制元素也被用于填充混凝土空间的空地以及为浴室和儿童房提供隐私,同时为住宅带来温暖的色彩点缀。 To the left of this house stands “House B”. In this house, it was important for its occupants to have a luxurious home spread over 4 floors. The entrance is through a detailed wooden door, a design element which repeats in varying shapes on the house’s three outer facets, while hiding the seam line between the two houses from the back. This wood is used to fill the open spaces in the concrete to create privacy for the bathrooms and children while also contributing to the warm accents of color. ▼住宅B立面,House B facade © Itay Benit
▼户外花园,outdoor garden © Itay Benit
▼户外用餐区,outdoor dining area © Itay Benit
入口右侧是以木材包覆的厨房,使人感受到空间与外界环境的联系。厨房中设有一个不对称的灰色台面,尽管有着庞大的体积,却给人以漂浮和轻盈的感觉。厨房旁边是家庭空间,橙色的沙发营造出温馨快乐的氛围。 To the right of the entrance is a kitchen made of wood veneer for a feeling of warmth and connection with the outside. It incorporates an asymmetrical gray island with a surface that looks like a floating cloud despite the massive material from which it is built. Next to it is a family corner for quality time with a touch of happy color on the orange sofa. ▼以木材包覆的厨房,the kitchen made of wood veneer © Itay Benit
▼从客厅望向厨房,view from the living room © Itay Benit
客厅背景墙采用了不对称的木制墙面,呼应了建筑立面的灰色格子元素,同时将壁炉、空调和控制系统隐藏在内。 The living room is also intended for family gatherings and entertaining, with an asymmetrical wall in the back of the sofa covered with carpentry that repeats the gray grid in front of the house, and hides the fireplace, air conditioning, and control systems. ▼客厅,living room © Itay Benit
▼中庭和楼梯,the atrium & the stairs © Itay Benit
▼卧室,bedroom © Itay Benit
这两套住宅既相互独立,又相互呼应,它们共同凸显出了设计中的“平衡”主题:高低错落的空间、木材与金属的搭配、黑色与白色的碰撞,以及功能与美学的兼备。所有这些元素通过精确而和谐的组合汇聚在一起,共同创造出一个舒适宜居又彰显建筑之美的理想住宅。 In each house separately, and in both houses together, the name of the game is balance – low and high space, wood and iron, white and black, functionality and aesthetics – all of which in harmonious precise touches come together to make the architecture a remarkable harmonious masterpiece and perfect for living. ▼花园夜景,garden night view © Itay Benit ▼住宅夜景,exterior view of the house © Itay Benit
▼立面和剖面图,elevations and sections © Raz Melamed Architect