当讨论梦想之地的时候,我们想到的是什么? 是空间的花样繁多、是光的铺陈与流泻、还是弥漫在记忆之间的那一抹靓丽色彩? What do we think of when we talk about dream lands? Is the pattern of the space various, is the light of the spread and flow, or diffuse in the memory between that a beautiful color?
正商启航国际广场LOFT公寓样板间 全能百变的网红LOFT,演绎色彩与空间的新探索双鹤湖中央公园,一座既先于城市又融于城市的中央公园,吸引了无数年轻人在此开拓事业版图,也吸引他们在此安家落户。紧邻双鹤湖的正商启航国际广场,为在此打拼的年轻人量身打造了既时尚个性又全能百变的LOFT公寓。
为网红主播打造的一座梦幻城堡 86㎡户型
现代主义的密斯,提出通用空间的概念,以简洁的色彩和体块,保证空间的均衡性、无尽的开放性和最大的自由度。 Modernist architect Mies put forward the concept of universal space to ensure the uniformity of space, endless openness and maximum freedom with evenly distributed columns.
在满足功能的基础上,用最简单的色彩与体块,体现永恒的构造意匠,空间塑造了设计师的内心体验,二者互动形成空间气质。 On the basis of satisfying the function, the simplest volume and color are used to reflect the eternal construction idea. The space shapes the inner experience of the designer, and the interaction between the two forms the spatial temperament.
Between light and shadow, feel the beauty of life.
利用色彩的渐变创造出连续性的美感,让空间最笨拙的柱子变为不可或缺的一部分。 The gradual change of color creates a sense of continuity, making the space's most awkward columns an integral part.
为时尚青年打造的一场视觉盛宴 68㎡户型
充满想象力的公寓户型,疏密交互的空间体验,清新简约的搭配气质,安放每颗年轻的心,碰撞出灵感创意的火花。 Full of imagination apartment type, open interactive space experience, fresh and simple collocation temperament, put every young heart natural expectations and enthusiasm, collect the spark of inspiration and creativity.
LOFT空间方正平整,上下双层的复式结构,在采光、通风条件和视觉上都相当优越。开放式、少隔断的布局设计令空间更为灵活,功能区域的沟通也更为顺畅。 Loft space is square and flat, double double duplex structure, in the lighting, ventilation conditions and vision are quite superior. The open layout design with fewer partitions makes the space more flexible and the communication between functional areas more smooth.
作为LOFT项目,垂直交通往往就是趣味中心。在室内置入异质构件——金属楼梯,周围环境以此为核心,展开整个叙事空间。 As a LOFT project, vertical transportation is often the center of interest. In the interior, heterogeneous components -- metal staircases are placed, and the surrounding environment is taken as the core to unfold the whole spatial narrative.
若没有了故事、梦想和想象力的滋养,人和生活会容易变得沧桑。它们是夏日那一口薄荷冰淇淋,是独处和沉默中仍轻轻放歌的生活情怀。 Without the nourishment of stories, dreams and imagination, people and life will easily become vicissitudes of life. They are the peppermint ice cream of summer. They are the life that sings softly in solitude and silence.
▼ 关于设计 项目名称:新郑·正商启航国际公寓 设计机构:励时设计 项目地点:郑州市航空港区鹤首外环里与鹤首北路 硬装团队:励时设计 软装团队:励时设计 竣工时间:2020.10 摄 影:明镜建筑商业摄影 郭明