团圆是古往今来的国民情结。张爱玲在回忆自己的最后一部小说《小团圆》:“这是一个热情故事,我想表达出爱情的万转千回,完全幻灭之后也还有点什么东西在。” 若空间会讲故事,那么以下这个空间要说的就是一对情侣在热情与冷静之间,互赠一半的“小团圆”故事。 If a space could tell stories , the project we’d like to introduce next will be a good story-maker. ▼服装店外观,exterior view of the store ©今朝风日好
项目为一对情侣拍档的复合商业空间:一楼与夹层是法式餐厅;二楼则为设计师品牌服饰店。两人的审美取向,各有偏好又互相欣赏。女主理人的柔软热烈和男主理人的清冷自持,将如何在有限的空间里合二为一,既体现个体审美,又能有机地相得益彰,交织辉映。 This project is about a multi-commercial space, including fancy restaurant on 1st and middle floor, featuring one designer showroom on 2rd floor. The space is running by a couple, by which the idea of how to creative this space into one independent but suitable remains the design team ‘One Fine Day’ ( short as OFD as blowing )great challenge.
故事脉络:“方圆”相伴 | Storyline: rectangle and circle 项目取名叫La moitié;法语中“半”的意思,“半”谐音“伴”,取伴侣之意。一男一女,一方一圆,如天地初开,浑然天成。项目的挑战在于如何在同一个空间里有机呈现两位主理人两种不同的风格:女性经典浪漫,男性刚毅坚定。回到空间如何讲故事的点,恰恰因为两种看似冲突的个性,才让这个空间挑战充满了故事的“波折”。而如何让这个空间去讲述一对伴侣的爱情故事呢? 设计师选择从进入空间开始讲述分分合合的剧情设计——用古典与现代元素相互碰撞,使空间一分为二,又合二为一。为了制造空间上的错落感,设计师将入口设置成较矮的门,当微俯身踏进空间后,眼前的空间犹如紫云舒展,骤然开朗。 ▼服装店的入口被设置成较矮的门,the entrance of store is designed to lower ©今朝风日好
La moitié , the project, in French means ‘half’, by which inspired OFD to create the LOGO, using square and circle, presenting man and woman, like half and the other. The most interesting thing of this project is how to twist different style in one whole space. It’s like an empty box, but we have to fit square and circle inside harmoniously. The OFD tried to fix these two storylines into one ,and then tear them apart by inviting classical romance and modern avant-garde elements. The entrance of this space is designed to lower, by how makes the experience of in-out impressive. ▼入口门厅,the entrance hall ©今朝风日好
故事高潮:虚实空间的交融 | Climax: the blending of virtual and real space 设计师首先以粉、黑两种色彩从视觉上将空间一分为二。粉黑交汇的界限,忽远忽近,模糊又清晰。就像剧本一虚一实:女性的虚渺,男性的刚硬,两条人物线索,或平行,或交织。空间通过色彩,裂变成两个空间盒子。粉色盒子,以粉色经典来营造女性一半的古典浪漫;而对立的灰黑色盒子,呈现的是相对的冷酷未来现代感。设计师希望走进这个空间的每一个人,拾步而上扶梯,恍如搭乘时空机器,在古典与先锋,浪漫与现代,一虚一实的空间之中穿梭。遥相对望的两个区域,勿论从空间还是家具,设计师都是采取碰撞的手法来表现。有序的粉色古典和无序的黑色先锋;构建成一个真实而迷幻的空间效应。 ▼以粉、黑两种色彩从视觉上将空间一分为二,the whole space is easily recognized into two different parts by visual, when one is pink and the other chooses black ©今朝风日好
The whole space is easily recognized into two different parts by visual, when one is pink and the other chooses black. Color is the magic, by which the space turned into two small boxes. The pink box no doubt creates classical romance of women, while the black one completes the half of the space with modern future. Among floors , there is a stair connecting in the right center of the space. It’s a smart design, like a travel machine to help visitor switch from one to another separated space. Right between two ‘ boxes,’ in which a real and illusory space is raised up by the organized classical pink against with the haphazard black avant-garde. ▼粉色盒子,以粉色经典来营造女性一半的古典浪漫,the pink box no doubt creates classical romance of women ©今朝风日好 ▼有序的粉色古典,the organized classical pink ©今朝风日好 ▼粉色盒子细节,details of the pink box ©今朝风日好 ▼从灰黑色盒子看粉色盒子,viewing the pink box from the black box ©今朝风日好 ▼灰黑色盒子呈现出冷酷未来现代感,the black box completes the half of the space with modern future ©今朝风日好 ▼无序的黑色先锋,the haphazard black avant-garde ©今朝风日好
为了创造更多空间的使用,设计师利用项目空间的夹层,巧妙分割出2个私密的用餐包厢。从包厢的“裂缝”中,既保持了客人的私密,又能将空间另一半的风景尽收眼底。随着时间的演变,光影也在空间不断的变化。空间的色彩造型对比产生交互对话,让顾客在“半”与“半”的穿梭之中,体会艺术、展示与行为。 To spare more spaces for dinning, the OFD introduced two private rooms in the middle floor between 1st and 2nd. The shadow of the light in the space turns inch by inch while time passing by. The visitors will have a chance to meet the art, along with display and experience in this color make space. ▼从夹层空间看一层空间,viewing the first floor from the mezzanine floor ©今朝风日好 ▼夹层空间中的私密用餐包厢,the private room in the middle floor between 1st and 2nd ©今朝风日好
▼私密包厢,从包厢的“裂缝”中,既保持了客人的私密,又能将空间另一半的风景尽收眼底,the private room, the gap provides the privacy and a good view ©今朝风日好
▼透过包厢的“裂缝”看楼梯和粉色盒子,viewing the stairs and pink box through the gap of private room ©今朝风日好
楼梯盘旋而至楼上的服饰展厅,同样运用一方一圆的呈现方式:女装区域以经典的屏风、拱门等中式元素来表达女性的柔软,男装区域以大理石材表达男性的刚毅冷静。 Come up with stairs ,there is the fashion showroom. Then women’s area is decorated with classic Chinese elements while there is full of marble in the men’s area, expressing masculinity. ▼楼梯全景,overview of the stairs ©今朝风日好 ▼黑粉两色的楼梯,the stairs in the black and pink colors ©今朝风日好 ▼楼梯盘旋而至楼上的服饰展厅,come up with stairs ,there is the fashion showroom ©今朝风日好
▼二层服饰展厅入口,the entrance of the fashion showroom on the second floor ©今朝风日好
▼二层服饰展厅全景,overview of the fashion showroom on the second floor ©今朝风日好
▼男装区域以大理石材表达男性的刚毅冷静,there is full of marble in the men’s area, expressing masculinity ©今朝风日好 ▼方形的男装区,the men’s area in the rectangular form ©今朝风日好 ▼女装区域以经典的屏风、拱门等中式元素来表达女性的柔软,the women’s area is decorated with classic Chinese elements ©今朝风日好
故事注脚:空间细节的升华 | Footnote: space details 空间讲故事,细节是最值得回味的。就像浪漫故事发生的场景,下雨躲过的屋檐,徘徊过的第几根电灯柱,多少公里的橡木树干上刻下的字,这些场景中的细节,都是故事的注脚。在这个空间项目,设计师也同样留下很多故事的注脚,来总结这个“方圆相半”的空间之旅。 Like every story telling, details make a good story and so the space does. Let’g go through this dramatic spaces trip with every detail of elegant and gentle.
▼楼梯扶手细节,details of stairs handrails ©今朝风日好 ▼楼梯扶手细节(左),一层空间细节(右),details of stairs handrails (left), details of the first floor (right) ©今朝风日好
▼楼梯空间细节,stairs details ©今朝风日好
▼材料细节,material details ©今朝风日好
▼各层平面图,floor plans ©今朝风日好 项目名称:La moitié · 伴