AB Architects是一家专业设计公司,从事复杂室内设计和建筑项目已有15年。由建筑师Vedran Brkich和Zlatan Brkich和共同创立。
AB Architects is a professional design firm that has been involved in complex interior design and construction projects for 15 years. Co-founded by architects Vedran Brkich and Zlatan Brkich.
Vedran Brkich的整个家庭都是建筑师,加入这个行业成为一种必然。自1998年以来,他就职于莫斯科建筑学院。Vedran的设计风格接近于荷兰设计师Pete Boone和法国的Joseph Dirand等人。
Vedran Brkich’s whole family is architects, the profession was destined. He studied at the Moscow Architectural Institute since 1998. Now He is close to the style of Dutch designers, which makes Pete Boone. From the French like Joseph Dirand, in the style of Christian Legra.
Zlatan Brkic,一个充满无限活力和思想的人,父母是工程师和建筑师。曾就读于建筑弗拉基米尔·别洛乌索夫的尼古拉耶维奇莫斯科研究所。从1996年到2001年,他有意识地接受了城镇规划教育。
Zlatan Brkic, a man with endless energy and ideas, Parents - engineer and architect. He studied at the Moscow Architectural Institute with Belousov Vladimir Nikolaevich. He received a town-planning education consciously, from 1996 to 2001.
AB Architects的团队由经验丰富的建筑师,设计师和工程师组成,他们能够实现任何难度的项目:从建造住宅到建造酒店项目,从重建历史建筑到为公寓,商店,餐馆和商务中心进行设计。
The team consist of experienced architects, designers and engineers capable of realizing projects of any difficulty: from building a residential house to making a project of a hotel, from reconstructing historical buildings to making a design for flats and shops, restaurants and business-centers.