Marie Lecluyse Design来自比利时的一座城市瓦雷赫姆,由一位时尚爱好者兼室内设计师Marie Lecluyse 创立。该工作室根据客户工作和生活状况,塑造他们所需的项目。
Marie Lecluyse Design is from varehem, Belgium, founded by fashion lover and interior designer Marie Lecluyse. The studio shapes projects for clients based on their working and living conditions.
Marie Lecluyse在现代建筑设计方面有着丰富的经验,对空间、光线和线条充满热情,无论在城市还是在乡村,她们拥有打造出令人满意项目的能力。
Marie Lecluyse Design has rich experience in modern architectural Design. She has a passion for Scandinavian style, and a passion for space, light and line. In both urban and rural areas, they have the ability to create satisfying projects for their clients.
Marie Lecluyse的设计愿景是尊重现有的结构和空间,为客户建立一个良好的现代居住环境。设计的功能性、耐久性和舒适性是整个工作的主要组成。
Their design vision is to respect the existing structure and space and to create a good modern living environment for the client. Functionality, durability and comfort are the main components of the design.
极简主义体现在他的几乎所有作品中,Marie Lecluyse善于剥离事物复杂的外在,并在不影响舒适性的前提下,还原其本质。
Minimalism is reflected in almost all of his works, Marie Lecluyse is good at stripping the complex externalities of things and restoring their essence without compromising comfort.