中国贵州省的几位创业者决定共同努力,改造建于20世纪50年代的废弃印刷厂。由FON工作室设计,计划分期进行,将现存建筑改造成独特的文化空间。 Several entrepreneurs in Guizhou Province, China, decided to join efforts to rehabilitate an old printing plant that was built in the 1950s. They challenged the creative team at FON Studio to transform two of the six existing buildings on the plot into unique cultural spaces.
创业者重返小镇带来了新的机遇,到目前为止,它包括修复的 A 库与B库位于核心区域,每个都有自己的个性,作为接待,餐饮、阅读及绘本空间。
The overall project is known as Town Folktales and so far consists of the rehabilitated Depot A and Depot B, each with its own design personality. These two massive venues serve as spaces for reception, dining, reading and painting.
仓库B由儿童活动空间组成,用于聚会、阅读和绘画。空间设计精美,拱形单元营造出一种有趣的氛围。这个场地是用来激发想象力和创造力的。简单的色彩组合展现一种纯粹。 Depot B consists of a children’s activity space for gatherings, reading and painting. The space is beautifully designed, with arching units creating a playful atmosphere. This venue is meant to trigger imagination and creativity. The simple color palette (in wood grain and white) offers a protective, hospitable experience.
A库设计稍稍不同。一扇巨大的长方形大门引导游客进入创意建筑。纹理(玻璃、砖、木、水泥地板)的排列使得在交错的空间里有一个有趣的流动。有各种各样的功能领域,每一个都有自己的特点。在大窗户和天窗的帮助下,光线被巧妙地引入室内。 Depot A (photos below) offers a slightly different experience. A massive rectangular door leads visitors into the creative building. The array of textures (glass, brick, wood, cement flooring) makes for an intriguing flow through the intertwined spaces. There are various functional areas, each with its own character. Light is cleverly brought indoors with the help of large windows and skylights.
设计公司 | 未来以北工作室 FON Studio 项目地址 | 贵州省黔南州独山县 设计团队 | 金波安 李泓臻 罗霜华 完工时间 | 2017-06 项目面积 | 480平米 主要材料 | 木材、玻璃、砖、钢