DAB Studio是一家总部位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹的室内设计工作室,由Lotte和Dennis Bruns共同创立,项目遍及国内外,为专属的客户提供全方位的建筑及室内设计服务。
DAB Studio is an interior design studio based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, co-founded by Lotte and Dennis Bruns. The studio has projects at home and abroad, providing a full range of architectural and interior design services to its exclusive clients.
The studio takes a unique, personalized and thoughtful approach to the implementation of the project, and welcomes the participation of the client in this process, from the concept to the implementation of the design of each stage of continuous, effective and positive interaction.
DAB Studio的工作内容包括了家具的定制、配件和饰品的选择,同时结合项目的不同打造出引人注目的气质与细节,这使得他们设计中所呈现的工艺构造、材料触感、艺术性语言具有原创性和标志性设计符号。对工作室而言,这些潜藏的内在元素使作品变得独特而永恒。
The work content of DAB Studio includes the customization of furniture, the selection of accessories and accessories. Meanwhile, eye-catching temperament and details are created by combining different projects, which makes the process structure, material touch and artistic language presented in their designs original and iconic design symbols. For the studio, these underlying elements make the work unique and timeless.
A multidisciplinary collaboration to create a tailored concept and design language for private homes, hotels and commercial projects has made their work contemporary, yet at the same time influenced by the aesthetic of the Middle Ages, displaying internal elegance, luxury quality, rich texture and meaningful interior Spaces.