Inisle, a blue island “生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一颗是什么味道” ——《Forrest Gump》
A Tale of Two Cities
温浙平先生是一个对生活充满好奇心 并乐于付诸实践的人
The meaning of life lies in experiencing the ever-changing splendor Mr Wen is such a person who has always been curious about life and willing to put into practice
他是土生土长的浙江人 创业在上海,定居在杭州 创立建筑空间设计公司 早年间便成为了享誉江浙沪的知名设计师 同时还是多家文艺潮店的品牌主理人
Started business in Shanghai, settled in Hangzhou
Established an architectural space design company
In his early year she became a well-known designer in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai At the same time he is also the brand manager of many literary trendy stores
△ 温浙平
杭州,西塘,乌镇,重庆 主题民宿、创意餐厅、咖啡馆、音乐酒廊 年营业额一度超过千万
Hangzhou, Xitang, Wuzhen, Chongqing Theme homestays, creative restaurants, cafes, music lounges Annual turnover once exceeded 10 million
由于太太是重庆人,伊人思乡心切 加之他接到重庆知名企业发出的系列项目设计邀请 五年前,温浙平先生决定暂别西子湖畔移居重庆 开启了他在江浙和重庆之间往返飞行的双城生活
Since his wife is from Chongqing, she is homesick In addition, he received a series of project design invitations from well-known enterprises in Chongqing Five years ago, Mr. Wen Zheping decided to leave the West Lake and move to Chongqing Started his life in the twin cities of flying back and forth between Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Chongqing
△ 温浙平
As a designer, Wen Zheping firmly believes that
We must have independent thinking and pursuit of life
便不把传统写字楼作为选址考虑 或许越是有独立思考能力的设计师 越需要一个安静且能暂时远离尘嚣的空间 来思考设计、享受人生 进而创造出更为卓越的设计作品
when he decided to open a new design office
he did not want to choose a site in a traditional building
Perhaps the more independent thinking designers are the more they need a quiet space that can temporarily stay away from the hustle and bustle to think about design, enjoy life and create more outstanding design works
「 创造一个独特的设计师空间 」
"Creating a unique designer space"
this became the real starting point of the INISLE designer collection hotel project
颜屿 · 岛INisle
▼ INisle
颜屿,一个美丽的小岛 Yanyu, a beautiful island
漂浮于喧嚣的城市之上 Floating above the hustle and bustle of the city
我希望在忙碌的设计工作之余 I hope that in the spare time of busy design work
能有一个安静的私属空间 Have a quiet private space
去思考设计和生活 to think about design and life
「 设计源于生活 」 这是温浙平关于设计梦想和双城生活的诗意表达
"Design comes from life"
This is Wen Zheping's poetic expression on design dreams and life in the twin cities
△ 颜屿 俯瞰山城夜景
这处物业最打动温浙平的地方 正是诗意般凌空于解放碑百米高空的屋顶大露台
What impresses Wen Zheping the most in this property
is the large roof terrace that is 100 meters above the Jiefangbei
尽管当初购置该房产花费1700万 装修耗时近2年,花费将近600万 但这里几乎每个角度都能得见山城景色的撩人视野 之于设计师来说无疑是种巨大的诱惑 这也为酒店后续策划和空间设计创造了更多可能性
Although it cost $17 million to acquire the property The renovation took nearly 2 years and cost nearly 6 million But here's a sultry view of the mountain town from almost every angle It is undoubtedly a huge temptation for designers This also creates more possibilities for the hotel's f ollow-up planning and space design
INISLE 颜屿艺术酒店的设计
遵循「人,诗意地栖居于大地之上」的理念 整体设计风格简约、时尚、诗意
The design of INISLE Yanyu Art Hotel follows the concept of
"people living poetically on the earth" The overall design style is simple, stylish and poetic
文艺复兴式的建筑元素 经由摩登语境的演绎 营造出时尚、柔美氛围的空间
with gray and white as the keynote Prussian blue as the main color and Renaissance-style architectural elements Through the interpretation of the modern context it creates a space with a fashionable and soft atmosphere
如米兰蒙特拿破仑大街街角 隐秘的某个精致优雅的小店 有着暖黄的灯光,曲线优美的拱弮 还有大面积的观景窗窗外有着这座城市最美的街景和灯火......
Like a delicate and elegant shop hidden
on the corner of Montenapoleone Street in Milan with warm yellow lights, graceful curved arches and a large viewing window the window has the most beautiful street view and lights in the city ......
拥有独特复古质感的浅灰色墙面 是温浙平联合上海工厂特别研发定制的环保艺术材料 墙上这幅由“温掌柜”现场手绘的油画灵感源自Blue Moon 油画科班出生的温浙平希望在这间酒店的生长中 铭刻属于自己的烙印 将个人的情感与价值注入其中
The light gray wall with unique retro texture
is an environmental protection art material specially developed and customized by Wen Zheping and Shanghai factory On the wall this oil painting hand-painted by "shopkeeper Wen" is inspired by blue moon Wen Zheping, who was born with a major in oil painting hopes to grow in this hotel engrave your own imprint Infuse personal emotions and values into it
20万重金打造的克莱因蓝悬浮楼梯 八星八钻全手工打磨 在4S店漆面大师的工艺技术指导下完成 其严苛的工艺要求几近艺术品
The Klein Blue suspension staircase made of 200000 yuan
is polished by hand with eight stars and eight diamonds It is completed under the process and technical guidance of the paint master in the 4S store Its strict process requirements are almost art
屋顶阳光会沿着楼梯缓缓走进大厅 成为明媚整个空间的光束
When the sun is just right
the sun on the roof will slowly enter the hall along the stairs and become a beam of light in the whole bright space
The wind comes from Scandinavia
INisle 颜屿拥有隐逸星空天际泳池套房
星河揽境天体浴缸大床房、漫步云端城市阳台双床房 泳池派对多人套房、天空之境泳池大床套房 共32套极具舒适体验和无敌城市景观的潮流客房 阳台、泳池、天幕穹顶一应俱全 无论哪一种房型,均都带有大落地窗 山城魔幻8D的城市夜色触目而及
INisle yan Yu has a total of 32 sets of stylish rooms
with comfortable experience and invincible urban landscape including balcony, swimming pool and canopy dome No matter what kind of room, all with large French Windows mountain city magic 8D city night sight
At the moment when users continue to pursue personalized experience INisle's product concept is a novel exploration experience that goes beyond the accommodation needs itself
在山城夜景的包裹下感受微醺 超大泳池,更是实现了在繁华都市的百米高空上 躺在水里看星星的愿望
The one-step balcony in the room
Makes people want to have a glass of bluemargarita unconsciously and feel slightly drunk under the wrapping of the night view of the mountain city The desire to see the stars in the water
The most charming, no doubt, is the hermit star suite
You can see the starry sky in bed
每每暮色渐浓,窗外的天空被夕阳渲染成橘色 这样的橘色,你在米开朗基罗大卫广场上远眺佛罗伦萨时见过 正如该广场是最著名的俯瞰该城市美丽全景的地点 而位于渝中半岛长江河岸的INISLE颜屿酒店 正处于中兴路以南的山城步道悬崖边上 亦是一个可瞰城、瞰江风景的绝佳之地
Every twilight gets darker and the sky outside the sky window on the 38th floor is rendered orange by the setting sun Such an orange color you have seen it when you looked at Florence from Michelangelo's Piazza David As the square is best known for its beautiful panorama of the city The INISLE Yanyu Hotel is located on the bank of the Yangtze River on the Yuzhong Peninsula Right on the edge of the cliff of the mountain city trail south of Zhongxing Road It is also an excellent place to overlook the city and the river
以及与五星酒店同品质的寝具及床上用品 温浙平只是希望这间设计师酒店 能成为旅行路上一朵美丽的小花
York air conditioning system, Dyson hair dryer, smart toilet imported bathroom, smart system, etc And the same quality bedding and bedding as five-star hotels Wen Zheping just wants this designer hotel Can be a beautiful flower on the road
正越过奔流不息的长江上空 在山城,INISLE颜屿期待遇见不知名的你 悄然宛若一泓江水……
You see, the cable car is like a dazzling beam of light
passing over the rushing Yangtze River In the mountain city INISLE Yanyu is looking forward to meeting the unknown you quietly like a river......
是位于39楼顶层、拥有360度环绕 无敌天幕夜景的IN39SKY天空之境屋顶花园
The more attractive highlight of Yanyu Hotel
is the roof garden of IN39SKY on the top floor of the 39th floor with a 360-degree surrounding invincible sky night view
IN39 CAFÉ&BAR、露天酒吧、天台电影
主题派对、帐篷沙龙、艺文展览、天空集市 等特色服务和潮流活动汇集于此
IN39 CAFÉ&BAR, open-air bar, rooftop movie Theme parties, tent salons, art exhibitions, sky markets, etc. Featured services and trendy events come together here
这个带有流浪诗意气质的屋顶花园 是由温浙平 与英国皇家景观建筑师学会 YSTUDIO杨云舒联合设计
This roof garden with wandering poetic temperament Mr. Wen Zheping with the Royal Institute of Landscape Architects Jointly designed by Mr. Yang Yunshu of YSTUDIO
△ 温浙平与杨云舒
YSTUDIO曾操刀过重庆多个地标项目 如两江幸福广场、 重庆江北嘴天空之镜 鹅岭贰厂文创公园、观音桥一号等 景观规划设计均是出自他的手笔
YSTUDIO has worked on several landmark projects in Chongqing Such as Liangjiang Happiness Plaza, Chongqing Jiangbeizui Sky Mirror Eling II Factory Cultural and Creative Park, Guanyin Bridge No. 1, etc Landscape planning and design are all from his handwriting
夜幕降临解放碑CBD的灯光点亮这座城市 左边是暖暖余晖,右边是璀璨霓虹 坐在露天酒吧里,点一款特调bluemargarita 或慵懒地窝在天幕帐篷里,随着House音乐响起 不知不觉地随节奏摇摆起来
night falls The lights of Jiefangbei CBD light up the city On the left is the warm afterglow on the right is the bright neon Sit in the open-air bar and order a special blue margarita Or lounging in the sky tent, listening to the House music Unknowingly swaying to the rhythm
不经意间抬头 雾色之外的璀璨星河正照耀着这山城 ......
inadvertently look up The bright galaxy outside the fog is shining on this mountain city ......
△Concept & Design
About Designer 温浙平 RIG上海锐格国际建筑空间设计事务所 创始人 / 设计总监 WENDESIGN 温浙平豪宅设计营造工作室,设计主持人
十几年来专注于两大设计领域:商业空间及高端私宅,自2008年在上海创立RIG锐格建筑空间设计事务所以来,因其卓越的创新设计能力,先后完成了位于上海、杭州、宁波、温州、呼和浩特、重庆等地的多个标志性大型设计项目,作品广获客户赞誉。同时因其十几年间,为江浙沪地区多家上市企业主提供高端私人别墅及会所的设计服务, 素有“上市企业主御用设计师”的美誉。
多年来,囊括了全球设计大奖意大利A'Design Award、2019年度中国建筑装饰杰出别墅空间设计机构、WAD世界青年设计师大会2019年度杰出设计师、中国建筑装饰年度专业设计带头人、第十届中国国际空间设计大赛金奖等几十项国际和国内设计奖项和荣誉。