WSD与万华·麓湖的合作已不止一回,每一次的合作都能碰撞出新的居所理念并引领新的生活方式。万华·麓湖致力打造一个以湖泊生态景观、现代建筑艺术为核心,集先锋多元的生活方式,打造公园城市级人居环境的理想生活之城。WSD一直专注于当代语境下,不断探索并研发更适合当代新贵的居所空间,于他们而言,设计不仅在于提供空间解决方案,更是营造一种Urban Lifestyle的居所方式,与万华·麓湖的理念不谋而合。 WSD and Wide Horizon - Luxelakes have worked together more than once, and each time they have collided to create a new concept of living and lead a new lifestyle. Luxelakes is committed to creating a city of ideal living with the ecological landscape of the lake and modern architectural art as the core, integrating pioneering and diversified lifestyles to create a city-class living environment.
当代新贵们,成长于全球化时代,浸染于多元文化的环境中,他们具备自己的一套价值体系,有更强烈的自我认同感,跳脱了文化身份、不再拘泥于东方还是西方,开始自主思索和探寻,根植于自身成长经历的生活方式。基于此,WSD秉承 "Design for life" 的设计理念,跳脱传统格局和单一的审美定义,打造一个既满足功能、品质、身份象征等多重需求,亦能承载个人能量的生活空间。 WSD's design philosophy of "Design for life" is to break away from traditional patterns and single aesthetic definitions to create a living space that meets the multiple needs of function, quality and status symbols, but also carries personal energy.
空间 从功能到场所精神
空间的高级感无需靠堆砌来完成,适当的留白是更高阶的呈现。为配合大尺度的横向空间,纵向空间摒弃了多余的装饰,以柔美的流线型搭配局部叠级形式,保留整体空间的大气简洁又不失质感美学格调。 To match the large scale of the horizontal space, the vertical space is free from superfluous decoration, with a soft streamlined shape and partial stacking form, retaining the overall space's atmosphere and simplicity without losing the aesthetic tone of texture.
往昔的生活,成就了别人的生活方式,国人的居所美学从模仿到自我呈现,经历了几十年历程,最终发现 "低调内敛而不失气韵" 才是东方居所的状态。介于黑白间,选用了高级灰,不迎合、不随波逐流,以平和淡然的姿态面对,境由心生,人又因境而动,整体空间调性沉稳而不失气场,在静默中散发出一种不容置疑的力量,人与空间的相生相长,于无言中便尽显其形。 In between black and white, a high grade grey has been chosen, not to cater to or go with the flow, but to face the situation with a calm and breezy attitude, the situation is created by the heart, and people are moved by the situation.
一抹阳光从湖面跃入室内,缓缓游走于空间里的每个角落,从皮革肌理到雪花马毛的触感,从石材的纹理变化到木的温润生长,着墨于光影和材质的描绘,将一物一器连为一个整体,勾勒出眼前丰富的空间形态。 From the texture of leather to the touch of snowy horsehair, from the variation in the grain of stone to the warm growth of wood, the ink is used to depict light and shade and material, connecting one object and one object into a whole, outlining the richness of the spatial form before us.
设计师围绕 "人、自然、艺术" 上演了一场空间对话的故事情节。以空间为载体,一尊《佳人腐骨》带来的艺术气息、一抹绿意蔓延于此,人行其间便能感知那份人文与自然、艺术的融合。 The designers have staged a spatial dialogue between "people, nature and art". With the space as a carrier, the artistic atmosphere and the greenery brought by the "Bones of a Beautiful Woman" spreads here, and one can feel the fusion of humanity, nature and art when walking through it.
人文 理想生活的探索
社会环境的不确定,人们比以往更渴望社区型的理想生活空间,万华·麓湖的【理想生活之城】完美契合这一愿景,WSD则在设计层面,将更顺应时代发展的语境转化为空间语言,回归自我、家庭和社群,让理想的愿景成为当下的生活状态。 People are more eager than ever for community-based ideal living spaces, Luxelakes' "City of Ideal Living" fits this vision perfectly, while WSD translates a more responsive context into a spatial language at the design level.
空间不是恒定的,而是可流动的。在空间形态上,我们赋予更多维的可能性。岛台,用悬空结合屏风的设计演化,东方的内敛气质与当代审美相结合,隔而不断,留给空间更多的想象和延伸,情绪在其中自由流动。 The island platform, with its overhang combined with the evolution of the screen design, combines the introverted oriental temperament with contemporary aesthetics, separating but not cutting the space.
WSD认为空间设计的背后逻辑是生活方式,联合万华·麓湖深入探究当代新贵对居所空间的多元需求,最终给出了LDK的答案。通过对客、餐、厨以及第三空间的不同组合转变,可根据当下的生活需求,在家庭生活模式和社交模式中自由转换。 WSD believes that the logic behind spatial design is lifestyle, and together with Luxelakes, have finally come up with LDK's answer. Through the transformation of different combinations of guest, dining, kitchen and third space, it can be freely transformed between family and social mode according to the current living needs.
第三空间采用推拉门形式,在私人模式时可以是主人静谧的思考空间;切换到社交模式时,则成为品酒和雪茄的功能空间。随着空间语境的转换,可以是一人独酌思考, 也可以是三五友人把酒言欢,一切游刃有余。 The third space, in the form of sliding doors, can be a quiet reflection space for the owner when in private mode, or a functional space for wine and cigar tasting when in social mode.
生活 私域的礼韵与格调
WSD一直在探索当下生活方式的 "奢华" 概念,赋予空间不同凡响的高级感。主卧采用了内玄关和双开门的设计,仪式感从这里起源,一直蔓延至整个空间。大落地窗引进自然光景,空间充满了流动感,配合雅致的色彩和艺术格调,呈现文雅、精致的生活化表达。 The master bedroom is designed with an inner entrance and double doors, from where the sense of ritual originates and spreads throughout the space. Large floor-to-ceiling windows bring in natural light and a sense of flow into the space.
结合主人的生活场景,临窗位置设计了休闲阅读区,晚风吹动轻纱将夕阳送进室内,花瓶里的苍翠也被赋以别样的诗意,独处夜晚,一个人喝茶品香,于书中看世界万境。 The evening breeze sends the sunset into the room, and the verdant flowers in the vase are also endowed with a different poetic meaning.
设计包含了对时空的思考,表达着现时及未来的某一时刻,WSD这场对当代生活方式的探索,充满了实验性,正是在这种实验性下,当代国人的居所空间不断迭代升级,生活和价值需求得以开拓并满足,多元的居所体验让生活真正成为了生活。 Design contains a reflection on time and space, expressing the present and a certain moment in the future. WSD's exploration of contemporary lifestyle, is full of experimentation, and it is under this experimentation that the living space of contemporary Chinese people is constantly being iterated and upgraded, and the needs of life are being explored, and the diversified living experience makes life truly become life.
项目名称 | 麓湖生态城 · 观澜 项目地址 | 中国 成都 项目面积 | 约330m² 项目完成时间 | 2022. 02 室内设计 | WSD 软装设计 | WSD 室内设计团队 | 胡兢春、蔡钰鸿、叶弋飞、李明华 软装设计团队 | 王珏、朱婷婷、赵焓均、孟佳文 项目业主 | 万华投资 业主方团队 | 万华集团装饰中心、万华集团同人艺社 空间摄影 | 视方摄影 - 翱翔
WSD世尊设计捕捉时代的新鲜元素,满足更多人对于设计和生活美学的需求,以包容开放的态度、国际化的专业力量,在当下语境中兼容表达自然、色彩与时髦态度,以专业设计力量置入文化脉络,刻画新世代的生活图像。 |