导语:伟大的产品 必定有着超越时间的力量
项目位于佛山的DPI进口瓷砖中国陶瓷城总部旗舰店,秉承着DPI进口瓷砖致力于为客户打造优雅生活、奢华体验的生活方式,所代理意大利rex锐思、意大利CERIM希锐、西班牙GRESPANIA帕尼亚 “奢华、优雅、当代设计、艺术”的品牌理念,去感受视觉的美学盛宴。MLG美齡閣设计事务所设计师沈垚将传统的展陈逻辑打破,尝试以新的形式凸显产品的灵魂,深材质背后深含的寓意,旨在营造一个符合生活、富有艺术、赋予深意的氛围空间。
The project is located in the flagship store of DPI imported ceramic tile China Ceramic City headquarters in Foshan. Adhering to the lifestyle of DPI imported ceramic tile, it is committed to creating an elegant life and luxurious experience for customers. "Luxury, Elegance, Contemporary Design, Art" brand concept, to feel the visual aesthetic feast. Shen Yao, the designer of MLG Meilingge Design Office, broke the traditional exhibition logic and tried to highlight the soul of the product in a new form. The deep meaning behind the deep material aims to create a life-like, artistic, and profound meaning. Ambient space.
01. 传承·突破 Inheritance breakthrough
我该把我的作品全部归功于 向我提供素材的成千成万的人和事物
An enduring ceramic tile brand, from the birth of the concept, to the emergence of the design draft, and then to the presentation of the final works, is inseparable from the human history and the illusion of nature. It is not attributed to personal efforts, nor is it limited by personal limitations.
极简的门头造型与奢华的岩板纹理,形成浓烈对比 门头端景选择菲拉蒂系列汉密尔顿岩板与奢石系列梵高岩板作为背景,旨在模拟一个温润静逸的休闲空间。
The minimalist door head shape and the luxurious tile texture form a strong contrast. For the front view of the door, the Hamilton slate of the Filati series and the Van Gogh slate of the luxury stone series are chosen as the background, aiming to simulate a warm and quiet leisure space.
02. 碰撞·交融 Collision blending
入口展示的是DPI钻石拼花工艺以及品牌介绍 The entrance displays DPI diamond mosaic technology and brand introduction.
From the entrance to the end of the U-shaped corridor, through the luminous lamp film at the end of the line of sight, the space emotion explored does not extend infinitely outward, and the sense of extension is elongated again.
03. 平衡·共鸣 Balanced resonance
Although "Italy" is regarded as a synonym for the opposite of various labels in the field of design, from the inheritance of elegance to the deep understanding of luxury, Italian style is bound to deliver amazing and classic works in every era.
The reception hall shows the best way of life in the city. From the living room to the bar, the salon area gets a better sense of space. Design and art are integrated with each other. Capture the flowing imagination, create a sense of hierarchy and depth of free dreams, and bring an immersive experience of savoring life.
在极简主义被奉行的今天, 或许有人愿意将这类简约、 干净的时尚美学视为冷漠的象征。 来自美国后现代主义的建筑大师Robert Venturi 就曾反驳“less is more”这一观点。 他推崇以折中的装饰代替矫枉过正的极简主义。
As the introduction shows, "a great product must have the power to surpass time", so we deeply explore the culture behind the product, fully display the charm of the product itself, and leave a unique mark in the memory of each guest, which is what we expect.
04. 穿插·交替 Interspersed alternation
The tea room space adopts the combination of abstract art of ferrati series and Amazon green of Xingyao series,The luxurious and delicate ceramic tile materials will continue the warmth and elegance of the living room.
In the smallpox area, brick surface is used to replace the conventional practice. With the change of taste and expectation, human value judgment is based on feelings and is changing all the time. It is expected that different people can feel new meanings in different periods and situations.
05. 跨越·边界 Cross · boundary
优秀的人文艺术、融合优质的设计, 往往能跨越时间、空间的边界, 汲取到产品所蕴含的深意,这一普遍的欣赏, 是刺激感官神经才能获取的独一份。
Excellent humanities and arts, combined with high-quality design, can often cross the boundaries of time and space and absorb the profound meaning contained in the product. This universal appreciation is the only one that can be obtained by stimulating sensory nerves.
06. 重塑·颠覆 Reshape subversion
Walking through the scene model area, the visual hallway scene is impressive. Dig deep into the story of the tiles. On the basis of the natural marble pattern, the stretch Goris dance is integrated to give the space an elegant and agile feeling.
“细节创造完美,完美不止细节” ——达芬奇
我们所追求的,不仅仅局限于设计的细节, 更是享受设计为生活所带来的喜悦, 是设计与艺术的重塑,融于生活的心灵感动。
The design of the double washstand bathroom is balanced with the depth of brick color, which is neither abrupt nor dull.
方寸之间,无限可能,以灵动的思维做设计, 以开放的心态去生活。
The design of the double washstand bathroom is balanced with the depth of brick color, which is neither abrupt nor dull.
07. 诠释·呈现 Interpretive presentation
For designers, materials are an important element of expression, to experience the restrained aesthetics of "refinement without stacking, luxury without exaggeration, peace without losing details". We hope to show the charm of the brand and the environment where multiculturalism gathers from various perspectives together with DPI imported tiles.
项目名称 | DPI进口瓷砖总部旗舰店委托单位 | DPI进口瓷砖中国总部项目地点 | 中国 广东 佛山项目面积 | 370m²设计机构 | 美龄阁设计事务所主创设计 | 沈垚项目团队 | DPI设计部施工单位 | 搜艺商装摄影视频 | 李永茂