天然石材和木材相得益彰。White is almost universal, it complements grey and black,gold and silver, natural stone and wood.
Quadro Room 新作,位于中国广州的都市公寓,房子的设计很不寻常,一栋三瓣花形的高层建筑。 The new Quadro Room, an urban apartment located in Guangzhou, China, has an unusual design, a high-rise building in the shape of a three-petaled flower.
设计的任务是尽量避免单调,同时保持一种宽敞的感觉。,在细节中展示着设计的简练,使用不同的纹理填充它以赋予空间动态。 The task of the design was to avoid monotony as much as possible while maintaining a spacious feel. , showing the simplicity of the design in the details, filling it with different textures to give the space dynamics.
Anastasia Rimskaya 将欧洲美食放在了就餐区对面的一个壁龛里,把亚洲美食藏在了门后的另一个空间里。 Anastasia Rimskaya has placed European cuisine in an alcove opposite the dining area and Asian cuisine in another space behind the door.
由于房子的建筑是圆形的,所以规划空间并不容易。靠近浴缸的角落很锋利,我们将其修圆以适应 inbani 浴缸的半径。 Since the building of the house is circular, planning the space was not easy. The corners near the tub are sharp and we rounded them to fit the radius of the inbani tub.
尽管面积适中,客用浴室可以而且应该具有令人难忘的设计——毕竟,这是您的客人经常光顾的地方。 Despite its modest size, a guest bathroom can and should have a memorable design—after all, it's a place your guests frequent. -
项目名称:GUANGZHOU QUADRO 项目类型:私人公寓 面积:240平方米 项目坐标:中国 广州 设计者:ANASTASIA RIMSKAYA / ALENA ZLACHEVSK 设计机构:QUADRO_ROOM 项目状态:进行中(2022)
Quadro Room 是位于俄罗斯莫斯科一家拥有多年经验的室内设计工作室,她们的作品持续一贯的现代简约风格,呈现满满高级质感,层次丰富干净利落,时尚又不失品味。 Quadro Room is an interior design studio with many years of experience in Moscow, Russia. The design work is full of advanced texture, rich and clean, fashionable and tasteful. No matter be from floor, mesa, curtain, even the ceiling is in continuance simple sense, enhance simple sense to have the communication of the space on the foundation that assures aesthetic feeling.